It's been so long since last we met

Sep 15, 2007 00:00

*waits expectantly*

So semantics makes more sense than before recitation, which is a small miracle in of itself with the way the TA 'explains' things. But then again, most of the confusion with the homework stemmed from the fact that, despite apparently understanding the underlying concepts (at least halfway), figuring out what they wanted us to answer was. let's call it difficult.
We changed the example sentence from "John smokes" to "John drinks" by general vote of the class, because we all felt like we needed a drink after the lesson. good times.

I haven't had a beer in so long I'd forgotten what it tasted like.
It made me think of the beer I grew to like in Japan instead of the free beer that tasted like piss at senior week. It also didn't make me sick to my stomach. So, it was a good experience.
I admit to sometimes drinking for the warm fuzzy feeling that happens halfway through the first drink and leaves just as quickly.

And i have discovered that i do, in fact, comfort eat. But instead of sitting around with a tub of icecream or snacking compulsively, I go out for dinner instead of making it myself.
Well. that's a kind of comfort too.

I have a headache. I am not sure why. Maybe i overstrained my eyes.
!!! My eye-doctor appointment is this monday! I have to figure out how to get there. I am going to get so lost. it'll be fun. -_-

It was a very unpleasant, rain!threatening day. So i dressed up.
But I caught my one bus home very conveniently. The bus from M st was like, 10-15 minutes late, so what would have been a perfectly scheduled time for me to pull into Ballston station to catch the 25 home was probably not going to happen and i was resigning myself to waiting 20 minutes in the rain at my bus stop. When, lo! as we pull up towards the only other stop in which the two bus routes overlap, I see the 25 pull into traffic behind us. So i got off there, and then caught my bus and aside from having an awful time trying to find where I'd put my smartrip card thingy, it was good.

Does anyone know if there's a way you can teach the kanji-conversion words? Cause it's really bad with names. I can't type my host-brother's name in emails. I have to go type in individual characters because someone somewhere decided the characters he uses for 'youichirou' aren't common enough or something.

lx 2, food 3, class, ;_;, 迷子to iu ka, weather 2, school 2

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