ranting for the world to see

Sep 14, 2007 12:27

So my roommate. sweet girl. total pig.

We had this deal. i would do x & y if she would take out the trash, because I took the trash out last time. It's mostly her trash too, what with her instant dinners, rotting banana peels, and random inedible bits of fruit immersed in water in the sink. I do my part. It takes her another couple days to do hers. Not till after I took the garbage out of the can under the sink and tied it up and stuck in on the floor of the kitchen where she couldn't ignore it anymore. And so i finally come home one day and the garbage is gone. And the new bag in the kitchen (that I'd put in not 12 hours before) is already full. Of her trash. All of it. Because after changing the bag, I went to sleep and then to school and hadn't put anything in yet.
Oh, and it's not hard to take out the trash. The garbage shoot is literally, 30 feet down the hallway, just on the other side of the elevators. I mean, when I take it out, I just leave a couple minutes earlier than usual and drop it down the shoot on my way to school. Does that sound difficult to you?

So she's going away for the weekend. She's known for a while that she'd leave the apartment in the morning and then go straight from school. So how does she leave the apartment? 6 or 7 dirty dishes on the counter and in the sink (becaues it's so hard to put them straight into the dishwasher?) All the pots and pans are dirty. All of them are because she used them and hasn't washed them yet; I washed my (the pans I'd used) pans days ago. If you know you're leaving for the weekend and that your roommate cooks, would you leave all the pans in the house dirty?
AND THERE WAS GARBAGE ALL OVER THE COUNTER Like, literally, food garbage all over one counter surface. Which wasn't there last night when I when I made dinner. Because if you're going away for the weekend, you leave rotting food on the countertops for your roomate, right? You can't even be bothered to put it in the already full (actually, again. I took out the garbage yesterday) garbage can, because that would make it easier for your roommate to take out. Besides, its food. It's not like it'll rot or anything.
She's like "I'm so stressed; I feel like don't have any time!" but she hasn't started working yet and she's taking less classes than I am, with less total reading.

I think she has dirty dishes locked in her bedroom. (I'm also kind of pissed that she feels like she needs to lock the door when she's gone for the weekend. because the only reason i'd have for going in is to find the missing dishes. Since there are only 4 bowls and 8 plates (2 sizes. so 4 of the reasonably sized plates, and 4 of the gigantic ones), it's not like not washing them is really a possibility, or that i've miscounted somehow and they're all actually there.) Since they're not anywhere else in the apartment, and I'm going to assume they're not broken and thrown away, I figure that's the only place they could be.
I can't even wish bugs on her, because they'd be in my room next.
I'm half tempted to break in, take the plates, wash them and then leave the door open so she knows i was inside. And if she asked, I'd tell her I wanted to wash the dishes.

We seriously need to have a talk. And since i have all weekend to stew over how absolutely disgusting this all is, I may just strangle her instead. I am going to wash her tupperware in the dishwasher despite the fact that she said she prefers they be handwashed because they are glass. It is not like the dishwasher will melt them. stupid bitch.

So. If anyone has advice on how I don't turn into a passive-agressive bitch, I would appreciate it.

wtf, i am angry!, (r-.-)r

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