last day of freedom

Sep 15, 2007 23:19

last night alone. I'm so sad. I say i prefer having a roommate because that way I know I'll have some human contact no matter what, but. I really like living alone.

El Salvidorian (?) food for dinner over in Columbia Heights. It was very good (except the cheese. Which i'm sure was very good too, but not to my taste) and I have leftovers for tomorrow. At this rate, I don't think i'll actually end up cooking all weekend. ^^;

woke up relatively late, which was lovely, and putzed for a while, nominally doing semantics homework.
Got a call around 3 from Sarah, saying they were getting together at Zach's house to do semantics and I was welcome to come too. So I went. We got everything all figured out; The hardest part of the questions are totally figuring out what we're supposed to actually do; not even the authors have an answer key for their exercises, and that's kind of lame.
I also got this program that makes it really easy (supposedly, since i haven't tried it personally) to draw syntactic trees and the fact that i found that exciting is probably some of the largest proof of my nerdliness in the past week at least.

I am always amazed by how quickly it changes from 'summer' to 'fall.' It was breezy and not humid today, and almost chilly at night. I will enjoy it while it lasts~ ♥

Getting there was a bit of a doozy, though, because. Well, honestly, because i am me and suck with the whole 'directions' thing. Also, I'd like to just point out that the bus schedule at the stop in front of my house totally lies. The busses do not come as often as they say they do on the weekends, period.
And then i got myself turned around a couple of times on the other end, so I guess i kind of gave myself the walking tour of the area. It's a nice place. I approve. ^_^ v
The worst part is that i first realize I wasn't going the right direction when i recognized a place that i'd been lost before. ^_^;;; yeah. so there was that.

And i also found an asian grocery store that is totally within walking distance from me, and that is exciting.

eta: I AM SHINY!!! Like, literally, i have sparkles stuck to me. Oh, lush!

lx 2, food: レストラン, nikki no baka, homework 2, 迷子to iu ka, weather 2

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