awkward desu~

Sep 07, 2007 20:56

ok. so. in the interest of telling everyone more than they really wanted to know. We (my roommate and I) were going to go out with some people from her dept. But, halfway out the door, her boyfriend said something and now they're having one of those kinds of 'talks' (over Skype no less) and. well, we'll see.
And I'm kind of a bad person and hoping everything goes well in the end mostly just because I don't want to have to deal with it since we moved in together like. 2 weeks ago max.

Today was a very nothing day. Hot. Hothothumidhot. And I'm all dehydrate-y and kind of exhausted. I've totally overbooked my weekend, so i'm not sure the necessary cleaning will get done, which is kind of bad because people are supposedly coming on Tuesday to change filters in the vents, and um. it's hard to walk into my room. Much less over to by the air vent. And I would really appreciate it if work-people in shoes and stuff didn't walk over my bed (since it's conveniently on the floor and all). I also have a nagging paranoid fear that they'll get mad at me for the lamp I've got because i know it's not dorm-acceptable. which is stupid, because this is an apartment building. but. yeah.

Need to stick a methods section onto the SocVar paper and it's done. first assignment. Dear God, let it be done sufficiently well for a decent grade. The thing is with this teacher, I'm never really sure what kind of thing he wants. Like, last year in his class, I was totally getting a C coming out of the second assignment (based solely on assignment grades) and so I guess I finally figured it out for the final, because i eventually got a b+ but. I would really prefer to just have a solid A. is that so much to ask?

And then recitation was a whole lot of wasted time because. (being bitchy yet again) I don't really see why people found it so confusing.

eta. so we did go out, eventually, with all parties apparently happy with the new dating (or rather, not dating arrangement). Just as I'd started to watch Me or the Dog, which seems to be on only on Fridays, and will probably therefore seriously curb my social life.

I am now deaf and my head still hurts from this afternoon. I will shower and sleep and life will be better in the morning.

eta2. and i was going to have a nice post organizing my life/plans for the weekend. But it is somehow already the weekend and. Just. yeah. I am overbooked and I don't even think i'm really doing anything. You know you're off to a bad start when you can't wait for monday

ps. to everyone going to Japan soon: HAVE THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE (until the next day)!!! I will be jealous, but in a good way~ ♥

nikki no baka, homework 2, class, tv2, with the random, weather 2

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