
Sep 09, 2007 20:16

So I made mashed potatoes for the first time by myself. They aren't really difficult and turned out well, but I always have my doubts that i'm doing things right the first time. I also peeled the potatoes with an actual knife because it turns out we don't have a peeler and so that was an experience.

Why did no one ever tell me that the Boy Meets World theme song is an actual song? Am I the only one? I mean, did everyone know this already and just assume no one could be dumb enough not to?

The socio-lx shindig was a lot of fun. The food was all wonderful and I came home with my left-overs, some leftover chicken and a hunk of meatloaf, so I'm pleased. Her house is huge and very very nice (i just liked the decoration. in someone else's house, anyway). And the small-talk wasn't nearly as awkward as i thought it might be, so it was actually a very nice time. I do, however, think I acquired several new bug-bites (it was a little further out in the country-side than i thought it would be), and I slapped one of my classmates (one the leg, not the face or anything) in an attempt to kill a mosquito, which ended up being mildly embarrassing because, it was just like *slaps* *realizes maybe that was a weird way to make friends* oh. um. yeah, mosquito. it got away, sorry....
I am kind of all talked out though. maybe for the next week. I'm not entirely convinced my apt-mate understands the whole "I'm really an introvert" thing. maa.

The bus never actually came for me. Like, despite the little sign up with times for that particular stop and everything. It should have come twice in the time that i waited, but since I was supposed to meet someone in Rosslyn who was going to give me a ride to Tannen's house, i figured i shouldn't be late if i could help it and eventually just ended up calling a taxi. I ran, literally ran, up the crazy-long escalator in Rosslyn--well. 4/5 of the way. And then i was like: *hyperventalates* I think *pant* I need to *pant* stop. so i did.

And then we went grocery shopping, and now I'm doing homework and yeah.
*wanders away* fic recs, book recs anyone?

food 3, tv2, 迷子to iu ka, with the random, america 2

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