Coffee talk

Sep 06, 2007 17:48

Maybe its the ginormous coffee speaking, but as of right now, I'm thinking today is a good day.

Had a lovely lunch with stillesprite; nanka, saikin hanashitenai kanjiteita kara yokatta ne~ ♥

SocVar was fun and interesting, even though the speaker the prof brought didn't end up working (the british teenage girls sounded like they were using those voice distorter thingies that people use when they make ransom demands) so we didn't actually get to hear them in class, but if we brought our laptops like he recommended, then we all got the data, so I could theoretically listen to it now.

I am making a pasta casserole thingy because my last class was done at 2:30 and even with stopping for a brief chat with Tego, I still got home by 4:40 and decided I had time. It is cooking in a cake pan because I left my casserole dish at home. I am excited and hope it turns out well.
I also (very briefly) ran into Krisztina today, so now I don't feel friendless.

I've never made a casserole before. 急に心配。

I had a really unpleasant dream this morning which involved the 'sealed' surface of my eyeball unsealing and sliding out of place and it was really painful and I couldn't see out of one eye. It felt a lot like the day of the surgery and it stung all the time, and I kept being unable to get to the eye-doctor and it was bad. It actually hurt so much it woke me up!

Ato wa. I am so on top of my homework! For like, the first time evar. which is exciting. So I guess there are up sides to the not-working thing, even if it means I will have to depend on finding change on the street for my income and yeah.
Well. I get a paycheck on Saturday for the month of August from work, and there is the possibility of piece-meal work in the future so. Maybe I can still eat. eating is nice.

And a letter from the jianjian came for me today and I am happy desu~

food 3, baito, homework 2, class, dream, with the random, the jianjian

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