1st day

Aug 29, 2007 20:05

commute to school took about 40 minutes, which is kind of win, because that's what i thought it would be.

ended up around 20 minutes early for my first class, but it was cool. I got to meet my classmates and they all seem nice and the class interesting.
It also, incidentally, terrifies me to no end. Sheer, absolute terror. But it might be a good kind of terror. it seems like it's going to be a lot of methodology, a lot of field-work, and a tonne of reading. =_= and I haven't done a lot of that (well, except kind of reading. as in, i have done reading before. just not as often as it's been assigned to me)
We have a project due Wednesday, the next class (since there's no school monday), where we have to interview and be interviewed by a classmate, and then type up a report on it that is ridiculously vague in what it's supposed to be. It's like, "what you think a good ethnography would look like" but of course, we don't know what that is yet, are in fact, not supposed to know yet. Yeah. sheer panic.

OH! If you can think of any embarrassing moments I've had, remind me of them, please? that's the interview topic, and I can't think of any. I hate that kind of topic, because I never can remember anything embarrassing that i've done. I either have a bad memory or not enough shame. so, please PLEASE PLEASE if you know me personally, and I made a fool of myself in your presense, tell me!

the other class looks fairly interesting, but it's the standard 'class' kind of class.
but I was starving by the end of the first class. Yesterday, I woke up at the same time, ate the same thing for breakfast, came home at 5 and was like, "i'm not hungry yet. I'll make dinner in an hour or so." But today, i wake up, eat breakfast, and don't even get all the way through one class before i'm like 'FEED ME!!'
I didn't get to eat just then, so i had 'early dinner' at 4 when my other class got out. it was massively unhealthy and i think my arteries went on strike. Then, at 10 pm, i had 'late dinner' of pringles and cornflakes.
Obviously the stress and tension of school use more energy than my normal summer schedule.

grocery shopping~ i totally bought my first frozen dinner. It's kofta curry, i think. que with the random.

Ok, so this homework load is ridiculous. it totally makes me remember why I never did my reading.

got a smart trip card thingy. And when i went to register it, it wouldn't work. Someone else stupidly put in the wrong number when they were registering their card, so mine wouldn't work. I had to call them instead, and then email with the information. But it should all be worked out tomorrow.

and i boiled a dozen eggs to make egg salad, but I'm feeling lazytired now so I put them back in the fridge. I'll do it tomorrow.

I brought an extra notebook to school with me so I could write random innapropriate things for the shige-thon proposed by jackoweskla. Maa. gotta do something with my downtime.

food 3, nikki no baka, homework 2, bakanakoto, 迷子to iu ka, with the random, school 2

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