
Aug 27, 2007 22:49


first i wake up early (well, relatively) and the internet does not work. which makes having woken up kind of pointless, because I wanted to get a head start on stuff today.

got lost (predictably) and took the wrong bus. waaaaaay the wrong way. to the point that i was just praying to arrive at a metro station eventually so I could get by on the transit system that makes sense to me.
so it took me an hour and half to get to school, when really it shouldn't.

the bookstore hadn't yet processed my order, despite the confirmation email I'd gotten telling me that my textbooks would be available anytime starting monday. So they sent me from counter to desk to counter to backroom to desk, and finally told me that it wasn't ready yet, but they'd do it right away if I could wait.
That process also took longer than they told me it would. Because they couldn't find the new books. that were literally on the shelves right in front of them

ended up running around a lot more than i'd hoped to in order to get my errands run. Though I did stop by the Japanese dept to chat with whoever was there, which was kind of fun.
eventually ended up @ tombs to satisfy that 4-month-long southwest Chicken salad craving. And. the waiter accidentally dropped the dressing. on me. It did get me out of having to pay anything for dinner. But. still.

Then I missed my bus (just barely. by a minute) on the way home. and had to wait an hour for the next one. Dear God what is wrong with this city?
On the up side, once I got on the bus, it was a blissfully short trip home. And I only had to walk a block from the bus stop to my apartment, which was good, because my feet were about ready to fall off at that point. Unwise shoe decisions strike again.

Also on the up side, by getting lost this afternoon, I found out how to get to Reagan. Which is useful, as I'm flying out of Reagan for the first time ever this friday.
And! the internet was fixed sometime whilst I was out. So. That is good.

food 3, bakanakoto, 迷子to iu ka, mini!(r-.-)r, america 2

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