all in a day's walk

Aug 27, 2007 00:18

I need to start drinking more water.

woke up late (but early for me!) and was productive!
I cleaned the bathroom, and the kitchen.
and put on eye make-up.

went to church. still takes about an hour, but it's differently distributed.
I like it. Sunday afternoons are a nice time to ride the bus if you wanna people-watch.

bought a sandwich and was therefore late for church. But I didn't fall asleep, so I'm proud of myself.
randomly ran into a couple of grad students from one of my classes last year, so I stopped and chatted a little bit.

then went to go visit the girls. (ps, stillesprite, somehow in the mad chaos that was post-graduation move-out last year, I ended up with a container thing that belongs to you. I found it today. Do you want it back? I could bring it tomorrow if you tell me in time)
saw rocksizedheart on her way out, which was good, because i didn't quite remember which house it was, but figured that the house she came out of was probably hers. We saw a live snake in the leaves in front of their steps.

had a nice couple of hours (and a glass of water) there, and then decided around 10 that I should probably start moseying on back.
realized after I left the house that the bus route I'd picked was completely impractical at that time of night, so cut through campus and decided to take a taxi the rest of the way.

then I had toast. it doesn't look like much, but it was totally a highlight of the day. it was a good day

news on the home front: the giant tree branch fell the rest of the way down last night. Took too lesser tree branches from under it. The big branch is, supposedly, the size of a man around and stretched across the the entire front of the yard + the driveway.
And then some 75 year old guy from the street behind ours came over and asked if we planned to do anything with the wood, and when he found we weren't, came back with his chain saw. Him and my dad (at 72) cut up most of it and the neighbor will finish the rest of it tomorrow.

now i'mma be good and work.

mi familia again, church, food 3, baito, weather, sleep, with the random, america 2

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