Following the silver lining in search of a heart of gold

Dec 06, 2010 18:49

Missed the poetry tonight but did improv moving poetry of the heart at the event called Wild Grace. It was full a full house that is. Tawyna gave me a ride and now I am staying at Sandra's and I gave the $8 dollars to Jodeen and now I don't have it. First was the solo journey then the "be held or be hold"

Now I am talking to Dane open heartedly and wondering about an empty head is where I lay my bed and when I am well fed I have no dread seeking solitude for fortitude and gratitude and sweet servitude sandy soil has bounce and coil and recoil and broil and spin spit fin fan a flame-fire, tame a game and aspire to dance slowly sweetly build to the sky in the mind and float down to the ground no lid upon my head

ode to balance and grace a saving face to stare into like the parent to the child like the adult to the inner chld a body of knowledge a bed of life a continum of manifestation not the false illusion of the mind at the raw core of body is the moving core of life and learning so learn on


So <- ha Dane was noticing how I say so amongst other languauge intracacies that he notices. I am wanting to find that song that I heard on NPR by a girl about the silver this and that. Also th Get Low soundtrack. Doin pretty good in general right now other than the circadian rhythm thing. But looking at Americorps is what brought me back again to the silver lining. It's a sweet gig to get to do service and get supported not really paid for it it's more of a trade.
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