Since Tuesday...

Dec 27, 2009 22:57

Let's see.

Wednesday was fun hang-with-Nelson day; I got the builk of the buttercream truffles dipped and the chocolate truffles mixed before Scott called and reminded me about the trash and so on. Nelson incidentally got here right about when I made a mad dash to Wawa to get two $10 bills for the garbage dudes, so we had Wawa sandwiches for breakfast.

He kept me company while I packed the England box, burned some discs, packed some cookie tins, and wrapped all of Scott's gifts. We also made it out to the mall for some small errands/last minute gifts, and he scooted right before my lesson du jour popped in. After she left, I got showered and changed to go perform at Longwood, and Scott and I got up there in time to walk around a bit and see the lights before I had to go rehearse and ring. Kate and Wes came up and joined us, and we all went to Timothy's for 1/2 price burgers afterwards (which were full of noms). Ran into Becky B---/R----- and Melanie Z--- and Rob R-----, of all people. It really is a small state.

Thursday was pretty much painting the piggies in the morning, then a mad dash to clean the majority of the house in about two and a half hours before Scott's mom came by. I'd just gotten out of the shower and dressed as they were pulling in the drive. I dashed downstairs to grab the spare room comforter out of the dryer to put it in place right as they were walking in the door. Ugh. I don't know why I let it get so bad, besides not wanting to clean up entirely after every single batch of cookies. And all the mail everywhere. And just the general accumulation of dust and cat hair. But the house looked FANTASTIC when I was done. I like the results of cleaning, I just hate doing it, especially in a rush.

Scott's mom was last here pretty much a year ago when we'd just settled and had no furniture. The house really has changed a LOT in the past year...we have furniture and pictures hanging and a piano and books and's changed a lot.

Wrapped his mother's gifts and the kids gifts (what wasn't a piggy bank) in about a half hour before going to Cindy and Steve's for dinner, and the ham, potatos, broccoli, and rolls were excellent as usual. Went home, painted piggies, wrapped the rest of the gifts, then collapsed and went to bed.

Christmas morning, we woke around 8:30/9:00, had a small nibble, opened gifts, showered, dressed, and went to Cindy's again for brunch and gifts, this time with their dad and Carol in attendance. After brunch, we came back to the house to reload the car with other gifts, then I went to Amee's while Scott went to his dad's with their gifts. I ended up going to MD with Amee because she had to check the tanks, and we had fun with a tour and some shenanigans at her work. Came back to DE, then came home, then we packed the car for a third time and headed up to my Aunt Angela's for her usual dinner, but even though we were only an hour or two after it started, everyone was gone either due to work or illness, which made me sad. We did get a nice visit with the Aunt and Uncle and Mother and Brother, then headed over mom's for gift exchange with them and WOW did mom spoil us all this year...Scott said he'd never gotten so many gifts at one holiday from one person before...which makes me feel like I was spoiled rotten as a kid (by comparison). It was nice, but it really makes me worry more about mom's finances, especially given her most recent debt solution method. I know that Buddah provides and all, but there's also little sense in tempting fate or teasing your creditors.

Saturday, we slept in a bit, and I was going to go discounted ornament hunting with Amee and Christy, but Christy's family fed her dog too much people-food and it was ill, so Christy had to stay home/catch up on sleep and then Amee had to go to dinner at her mom's friend's house. From the morning to the afternoon, Scott and I hit up Lowes, Home Depot, and Happy Harry's to get some christmas stuff that was heavily discounted so now we have lights for the house and the outside tree, as well as some other decorations (like a tree topper) and some boxes for wrapping. We also hit up PetSmart to get Loki's food and a kitty first aid kit and went to Stewart's for lunch...I've never eaten there before but OMG...their Chesapeake Crab dip is AMAZING. Holy crap. I could live off that stuff! maybe. But I'd probably get tired of it. But it was fabulous. When I got home in the afternoon, I took the kitty med kit and tried patching Loki's head wound up...woo for adhesive bandage! We were finally able to take the Cone of Shame off! We met up to see Sherlock Holmes at the People's Plaza Regal Cinema with Amee and a bunch of other people at night, and it was AWESOME. I would suggest that you sit in the back section if you get motion sick while watching this though, simply because the fight scene cinematography and some of the camera angles started making me a little seasick, and normally I have the stomach of an ox. Overall, a well played action mystery, and ... I'm just a dork. I was slightly disappointed that they released the movie on Christmas rather than a week later on Holmes' birthday, January 6th. But whatever. Would strongly recommend. Wouldn't mind seeing the Princess and the Frog as well as the new Chipmunk movie.

Today, we woke up at a decent time, had breakfast, puttered around the house, went to Amee's for football, then Amee andI did some running, then had pizza for dinner, finished the Eagle's game, and came home. Scott's been working in the basement and I've been futzing around a bit. Loki's been much more affectionate and active since the latest food change (he's now on the Royal Canin Hypoallergenic) and removal of the cone, so yay for that, at least.

Tomorrow: errands in the morning, prepping for NY, and relaxing!!!

...and Scott's officially crazy. I hear him going 'myow myow myow myow lookit the kitty!' upstairs. Landed me a good one, didn't I? Heh. But I loves him :)
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