Wow. A month.

Jan 27, 2010 12:15

Lots to catch up on.

Point blank, former best friend got butthurt after misinterpreting simple statements and reading way too far into things. You don't call me and scream at me for 20 minutes without letting me explain and expect me to still be your friend. Friends don't look for reasons to hate you like that. So we're done.

NY trip was great. Train rides are fun and so much less stressful than driving to NYC. I've never slept overnight in the city before, don't think I will was very very noisy, but our hotel was right across the street from the theater Wicked was in. I love Scott so much!! He got me the best present ever :) The show itself was fantastic...I hadn't realised it was 3 hours long. Would watch again, definitely,and I really hope the movie pans out, and it would be that much more awesome if Idina and Kristin were able to reprise their roles as Elphaba and Galinda, as well as the rest of the original cast. It worked so well for Rent. Regrettably, we both felt a little ill on our way up there, and both came down with pretty hardcore colds. When we went to the Rite Aid to get medicine, we couldn't get in because it was on fire. Got some nice pics of the NYFD though. Went up a block to the Duane Reed and it was good.

Came home and spent a quiet New Years at home since we were both sick, even though we had been invited a few places. Celebrated the first year in the new house, stayed up until the balldrop, had a glass of champagne each, and went to bed.

The Tatnall job didn't pan out (I waited a week into January, called them and left a message, got a bite-it e-mail the next day). *sigh* Finally got Kelly stuff all figured out, so I've been subbing 2-3 days a week with them. (Last week was a 4-day week, this week had to take the cat to the vet again, will get to that later). I have my hat in the ring for the longterm sub job at Independence for Jeanmarie though, so we'll see how that one goes...I didn't sign up for a Kelly job today because I thought they were going to be asking me to come in for an interview today. Considering how much time I spent getting to know them/interviewing, I don't know why I didn't get the Tatnall job, unless they called Caravel and was blasted, which totally isn't cool. I'm kind of worried that I'll never work 'full time' again, which would really, really suck. Pride also took a hit when I enrolled for Unemployment. We've been really stressed out about this whole thing and it just sucks. But we'll pull through.

Stupid cat. Million-dollar cat. He was doing SO well. And then he started throwing up again on Friday. Then bloody stool, then bloody-looking urine. So, went to he vet on Monday. They ran some tests, gave us some pills to take home, he seems better two days later. Today was his first day back on the EN (sensitive GI) food, so we'll see how he does by tomorrow morning. Lily's been fine. Pounces on him every chance she gets. May have found a way to get her to stop being so bitey.

Had an SAI meeting here at the beginning of January (it totally snuck up on all of us), but everything went well, there was a lot of yummy food, got to see and give the house tour to some fab sisters that I haven't seen in an age, and overall it went awesomely. Next meeting is next Saturday, performing up at Forwood again.

Amee and Christy and I are working out together at least two days a week. I think my body's in the 'rearranging' stage, haven't really lost anything yet. Should probably add another day to our regime. It's also a lot of fun when we get together for other generic shenanigans, and Amee's about two discs into Season 3 of Greys. Bahahaha.
Brakes needed to be replaced in my car, and Ryan was totally awesome and helped me out with that. He and Scott also seem to be making good friends, which is nice. It's nice to be able to hang in a group where everyone gets along.

Betsy from NUMC asked me to take over the Newark Ringers...they're a young 5th-and 6th-grade group of ringers that meets for 45 minutes on Sunday nights. It's a volunteer position, but Betsy is very well connected and respected; she'd be an awesome letter of recc to have in my 'file'.

Caravel seems to be having a lot of problems with its teachers this year. First me, then the Drama Teacher/Dance Team/Cheerleading coach, now one of their wrestling coaches. Hah. One of their current band directors is an acquaintance and she keeps emailing me with questions.

Paid gigs are nice. Cantata paid well for two nights and a day of work/play, LPC choir is throwing me a bone with an accompaniment to a piece, rehearsal's tomorrow night, performance on Sunday. Might also be picking up a bassoon student from Rising Sun area (one of Drew's students), so I have some cane soaking now so I can make reeds. I haven't made reeds in forever. I'll be able to profile them tonight, which will be nice, and shape and fold and put wires on, then they'll dry, then i'll finish forming, wrap, and finish tomororw afternoon. Hopefully I'll have a new one ready for rehearsal, if not practicing before rehearsal.

Haven't been to FSSB since concerts in early December. Things kept cropping up on Thursday nights (this week for example). FSR is going alright. We have a church performance in March-ish, I think...need to get the exact date from Bruce.

House is overall alright. Washer seems to be leaking, so laundry's on a bit of a hold until Scott can figure out where the water is coming from. yay for lots of clothes and towels!! Ran out of room in the kitchen...need to put up shelves for various appliances. Can't wait until I can redo the kitchen and put in a boatload more cabinets.

FB is taking a lot of my time lately. Mafia Wars, Restaraunt City, FarmVille and FarmTown. All of them are going fairly well. I've also started back up in Achaea again, my goal is to get to leve 80 by the time mycharacter is 400 years old...I'm 322 now and don't bash a whole lot...level 78 and 18% at this writing.

Private lessons are going well so far. I look forward to the end of winter sports..I get two or three of my students back who have been consumed by practices and games/meets. Yay moar cashmonies!!

and now...back to playing around.

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