(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 16:20

Wow, battlestar_blog is eating my flist. I am excited that the new season is starting, but atm I think half of it is I'm so done with hearing cracked (and repetitive) meta.

Also, have started Havemercy, which is co-authored by someone whose fic I have been reading for years. It's pretty exciting, though I wish it weren't quite so predictable. More after I'm done reading, and I think I've found suitable motivation to finish chapter 9 of FW--no more Havemercy until it's off to starbuck_a_dale : )

Crashing back into my every-day routine, which is welcome but slightly overwhelming. It's 35 degrees warmer here and there is now a lemon tree by the drive. Have cleaned the kitchen, done laundry, watched half of In Bruges (I fell asleep; I definitely mean to finish it), got off jury duty (thank goodness, as it was going to be a six-week criminal trial), and learned never to wear complicated undergarments when you need to go through metal detectors. Now just waiting for the jet-lag headaches to go away.

ETA: just got an e-mail from my mom. Today it's actually seventy degrees warmer here than it was chez mes parents. Hahaha.

real life, books, battlestar galactica

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