FIC BIT (+ small request)

Sep 21, 2010 14:11

HAY GUYS. So I'm a pinch hitter for whedonland's Heart of Gold, and I'd like to include another fanmix (and yes, I am trying to get the first two worked out :X). So! Probably SPN. So if you have any Dean/Cas (platonic or romantic) or Dean/Jo (platonic or romantic) that would be super sweet. Thanks! :)

"Dean, wake up."

He groaned, and with no real pleasure in the act he opened his eyes. Lisa stood in front of him, smiling. "Hi."

Dean sat up and gave her a soft smile in reture. "Hi."

"You've been sleeping all day," she said playfully, leaning down to pat his thigh. "Time to get moving a little."

"Hmm. Yeah." He yawned widely and stretched his arms, spread out like wings across the back of the sofa. "I've just been... tired." His explanation was weak, and he knew it. Tired. He was tired all the time, everyday, and even when he slept he didn't feel like he got any rest.

"Well get up," she said finally, and the tone in her voice told him she'd dismissed the issue. Dean stood and she put a gentle hand on the small of his back. "I told Ben we'd take him out today."


Dean was happy.

He was, he'd argue til daybreak he was fine. His new life was conventional - blatantly so, and he was glad that he could finally say that, for the first time since he was very small, everything was going normally. Just like everyone else's. No ghosts, no monsters, no hunting.

And no Sam.

Dean might have wished things had turned out differently; but he was happy. As much as he could be, as much as he'd ever let himself be, he was happy.

It was strange for him to finally have a cohesive unit to belong in. No estrangement, no co-dependence. There was a new consistency to his life. He had two people, two relatively well-adjusted people, who were depending on him now. He had the things most people worked for, what he had secretly wanted. Lisa, Ben, a home...

But not Sam.



He didn't like to think about what was missing. It was too deep, too raw - still too new. It would always be too new. Lisa had asked him once what had happened - why he came.

He hadn't been able to give her an answer.

2010, spn, requests, bits

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