"LOTRATA" Secrets Revealed!

Apr 22, 2006 16:43

Well, here we go! I did one of these for "Addiction", so now it's time to do one for "Lifestyles...", too. La-- I love my stories! *beam* Here we go!

--Chapter One (If Wishes Were Horses):
Well, how the names of the horses and the names of the three guys relate is pretty obvious. Heh. Yugi IS short, and I did make a reference to the infamous accent that the dub-Joey has. I accidentally added an "e" to the end of blond-- the "e" form is the feminine form... I can't believe I didn't catch that. And the sewing class-- and teacher-- is a reference to Fruits Basket. (Ayame, since he sews.) I needed a name, and that was the first one I thought of. It works, I think, because a lot of the same names are used. Eh... Ok, two. Whatever.

--Chapter Two (Avarice and Altruism):
Not much in here. The whole fashion show thing was OBVIOUS-- and it was supposed to be. I never referred to the teacher by name. That goes throughout the whole story, though. And, as is guessed at later, Seto did choose that seat because it was near Anzu. Not to bother her-- just to be near her. Heh. That's all.

--Chapter Three (Recipe for Success):
Ok. In the "cookbook", the recipe is on page ninety because I like numbers divisible by three. Yeah. I picked the PR guy's name pretty randomly-- it doesn't have too much significance. And this was very, very unapparent, but Kaiba let Anzu buy his coffee for him because he already liked her. No one said it was out of character, so... Yeah. But that was the reason. Kaiba agreed to do the photo-shoot and have the article written about him then, during the conversation with Myojin. And of course Anzu used the change to buy her own drink, but that was obvious, too.

--Chapter Four (The Root of All Evil):
Money is, of course. Ha. Mokuba's talking about Seto doing the photo thing, first off. And we find out that Honda's dating Arisa (another Fruits Basket name), and of course later it's revealed that she's the teacher. The getting magazines thing was weird, but I had to show that the class used them frequently, so when the Kaiba article appeared it wouldn't be out of nowhere. And HA! The photographer is named "the Flasher". I thought that was hilarious. Since I didn't come out and say that they were doing a photo-shoot, it makes you very curious, doesn't it? And in the last scene, Seto is teasing Anzu because he likes her. Hee hee hee. I know; I'm silly.

--Chapter Five (Clash of the Classes):
The "adverse effect" Anzu has on him is the insane attraction he feels towards her. And when he says " 'Regardless of what most people would do or feel in this situation... But damn it all, that’s exactly why I don’twant to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary with the stupid girl.’" He means that most people would be happy that they got to spend time with the person they had a crush on, but he doesn't want to encourage those feelings.

--Chapter Six (Money Isn't Everything):
There wasn't really anything extra in here. The whole hot picture was enough, I think. Heh.

--Chapter Seven (Commercialism):
I like my neat little disclaimer thing. Basically, none of this means anything. It's just a bunch of weirdness. Yeah. I explained all the stuff in here (Clue, Van Halen, all that). And then it was all just a dream of Seto's. Heh. Odd.

--Chapter Eight (The Media and the Masses):
I don't like this chapter. And ha ha-- the whole DJ thing. "Damnit, Janet". Right. That just came to me; I don't know why. Guess that's it.

--Chapter Nine (Bet Your Bottom Dollar):
I like this chapter. Honda realizes that Seto likes Anzu-- because he says that she's better than the other three, and because he uses her name. And there's more weird Rocky Horror stuff. Y'know-- "I'm gonna make me a man, with blond hair and a tan." When Anzu says she wants a kit thing, Honda remembers where he'd heard of "DJ". Which is also why he starts singing the Time Warp. Yeah...

--Chapter Ten (Material Boy):
I wish I hadn't done the whole stupid Steve thing. It comes off REALLY lame. And then the "Brad" thing-- from Brad and Janet. Honda's great. Seto's halfway to admitting his secret!

--Chapter Eleven (Giving Back to Society):
Everything here is pretty much self-explanatory. There's the "can't buy me love" line, which is a reference to the song of the same name by the Beatles. I like this chapter.

--Chapter Twelve (Shelf Life):
Poe references here. I don't know why-- I just do weird stuff like that. But yeah. The house of Mazaki instead of Usher, and then the raven lines. "Quoth the Kaiba..." Ha. Yugi was the one who had called Anzu. Seto seems to go through a lot of cell phones, doesn't he? Heh.

*Gah, I gotta go. >.< I'll finish the other three chapters when I get a chance. Thanks! Bye!


revelations, azureshipping, complete, lifestyles-verse, humor, yugioh, written early-06, romance, story notes

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