"In Case Of..." SPOILERS

Apr 13, 2006 23:45

Yo. Check it out ya crazies! Whee... *giggle* I'm tired, but I don't want to go to bed. So I decided to do some crazy writing goofiness. (I'm quite fond of that...) Anyway, here are some thoughts (...etc.) on the next chapter of "In Case Of...". Ahh, and not only the next chapter-- the WHOLE story. Bwa ha... Bwa ha. *clears throat* Right. So here we go.

--Chapter Three:
*First Scene will be a scene with Mokuba, Anzu, Yugi and Rebecca- getting her settled in from the airport at Yugi’s house. The short scene above this could potentially be part of that. Mokuba will tell Anzu that he wants to get to know Rebecca so that she won’t just ignore him like she did at first. Yeah, and they’ll take in her suitcases and stuff and that’ll be that. Hopefully I can stretch this out.
*Second Scene will be Yugi talking to Honda and Jounouchi about the whole groomsman thing. Yeah. That’ll show how slowly Seto is being accepted into their group, and it’ll tie up the whole Jounouchi/Mai thing from “The Pleasant Disguise of Illusion”. Cool! I’m doing good. After that, Arisa might come in so I can tell the readers a little about the wedding. Maybe mention the honeymoon? I’ve already decided about that- they’re going to Paris because Arisa’s grandmother lives there. Wow, I certainly do come with a lot more stuff than really necessary sometimes, don’t I? Heh. I want this scene to be pretty long. Hmm... Should I think of other stuff to add in the scene to beef it up? I don’t want a lot of filler like in “Lifestyles...”- nope, this story’s going to be full of stuff. Hmm, I’ll have to make a list of all that stuff later.
*Third Scene will be a shorter-ish scene with Seto and Mokuba. This will reveal some of Seto’s thoughts about Honda’s wedding (the few he has, anyway) and it will show the Mokuba’s really interested in Rebecca. Brotherly fluff-stuff, too, of course. And it’ll be another opportunity to show how Mokuba’s grown up, and to demonstrate that he sees Seto as more of a real brother as opposed to a father figure. Yeah. Oh, and this will also hint at the Seto/Anzu relationship secret.

-List of Neat Little Secret Plot Sort Of Etc. Stuff:
-the Seto/Anzu secret thing (even though they’ve been dating forever, they’ve never slept together... hopefully this will work out)
-Arisa’s grandmother lives in Paris and that’s where they’re going on their honeymoon
-the “unique” way Honda proposed (I may chicken out and not include this)

That’s- unfortunately- all I have right now. I’ll have to think of some other stuff. Maybe a Yugi secret? Or a Jounouchi secret? Hmm, or just... something! Yeah. Ahh, and I need the reason Seto and Anzu broke up. Gah, I have NO IDEA what that could be. Er... Ok, wait- actually I do. After high school, Anzu was really stressed out with dancing and college and stuff, and Seto was all business-y busy. Yeah. She got mad at him, because he had been ignoring her for a while and they- somewhat because of her- had been having a lot of fights, and so they broke up. Well, she sort of yelled at him and really pissed him off and he said some things he shouldn’t have, and she sort of yelled more and said she never wanted anything to do with him again and... he got all offended and stuff and that was that. Yeah. So they weren’t together anymore, and both of them were miserable. As could be expected, of course. But how did they get back together? Hmm, now this could prove interesting. And should Anzu have dated anyone else while she and Seto were broken up? I’m half playing with the idea of having her and Yugi try things out. Now that could be interesting... Ahh! And if Anzu and Yugi had slept together and it was really weird, then... that could totally explain Anzu’s hesitation to sleep with Seto! Oh my gosh; I’m brilliant! But I’m not sure I want to do that. I’m really not sure about that... Gah, this is complicated. I’ll ask advice from my beta-person. Perhaps she can offer advice. That would be a HUGE secret. Yeah. Oh, and one more thing before I forget it again- the ending. The ending will be at Honda’s reception, and- get this! Seto will drop a ring into Anzu’s glass of champagne. SQUEEBY! WHAA! I know, way too sappy, right? Bah! I’ll just make Seto seem all distant and stuff beforehand. It’ll be a SHOCK to the reader. Oh yeah. I also need some funny stuff. In “Lifestyles...” it just came, but in here I’m afraid that there won’t be as much humor. This really worries me. I’m thinking about finding instances from my own life that were funny or interesting and adapting them to the story. Yeah, if I have to I’ll just do that. So! That’s it for now; hopefully I can get chapter three finished soon. Whee!

azureshipping, lifestyles-verse, humor, yugioh, written early-06, romance, story notes, icoe

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