Mar 24, 2006 17:41

I don't know... I'm bored, bored, bored and needed some... something to do. Brilliant. I was HOPING to hear from Smacky and Kimby... but of course I haven't. They've forgotten me... It hurts. No, I know they prolly just think I'm sick. (Which I... am?) I don't know. I'm very... well, not good, let's put it that way, hmm? I have a lot of STUFF (which is never good) on my mind. I'm freaking out about this nine-weeks of school. Must do amazingly well! That's my goal-- but I'm so lazy, I doubt I'll achieve it. I REALLY doubt I'll achieve it. *sigh* I NEED, NEED, NEED to get grades good enough for college. (Which, by the way, scares me half to death) I want to get away from home, but my insufferably un-overcomeable shyness could be a key factor in staying close. I'm seriously considering going with Smacky, Kimby and KK. Z says to aim high, but... I don't know; I have no faith in my own abilities. Hopefully though, my grades will improve. If I paid attention, did my homework, and didn't sleep during tests, I have a feeling I would be doing better. Yeah... I don't have any extracurricular activities either, which probably isn't good. I do band, and I write, and I hang out with my little gang, but... well, not much else. Great... I'm working on math, though, so hopefully I can get a good score on the SAT. Or ACT... I guess I'll take both. I kicked ass on verbal, of course, on the PSAT-- I missed one question in writing, and two in critical reading. This bodes well, but... damn that math. I don't like to think the problems out-- I like things I just know immediately. Wow... I really am lazy. Ahh well. No matter.

I hope I don't get in trouble for missing school again. Although, in my defense, there's nothing I can do about my "illness". (Yes, that time I truly HATE being female...) I'll just make up the German vocab. test some other day. Yeah, that's the plan... Hopefully I'll remember to talk to english teacher and get that letter thing I need. I REALLY want to get this taken care of.

Blah. That's it. God, I'm boring... Life-- it's all I got. Yargh.

bye bye bye!


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