"LOTRATA" Continued

Apr 30, 2006 11:56

--Chapter Thirteen (Out of Your Income):
I couldn't really find anything "secret" in here. Most everything is explained, or is easy enough to understand. Something I missed, just let me know.

--Chapter Fourteen (Giving and Receiving):
I always want to write reveiving with the "i" first. *sigh* Anyway! Yes, Honda and Arisa's relationship is quite... intense. Ahem. And, obviously from "ICOE", it is sincere. Those crazy kids. Heh-- yes, I'm sure Seto would be more than glad to let Anzu stroke his ego. (Which is weird, really-- what's with this whole personifying the ego thing? I picture it like a round, furry monster thing. Though... that's not exactly what I'm saying there. *cough* You know what I mean, you gutter-minded little sillies, you.) I LOVE this chapter; for some reason, it just really amuses me. Hee. The third scene in here (they're marked off by lines) was written WAY before any of the rest of the chapter. If it seems a little different, that's why. I had to tweak it a little to make it fit.

--Chapter Fifteen (Champagne Wishes and Kuriboh Dreams):
This title is so corny, but I think that's why I love it. Eh-hemm. I am SO glad no one noticed, but... I almost put a disclaimer here because the lines are so similiar. Hee. The beginnings of the first and second scenes are VERY based on scenes from "Pride and Prejudice". (...should it be underlined? I don't know much about typing rules like that.) As you can see: "If Elizabether, when Mr. Darcy gave her the letter, did not expect it to contain a revewal of his offers, she had formed no expectation at all of its contents." And mine: "The three observers, if they had been expecting any physical manifestation of the oh-so-obvious desire between Kaiba and Anzu at all, were still shocked at what they were witnessing." Sounds kinda familiar, huh? Not too much so, but enough for me to feel I should say a little something. I didn't want to really describe the kiss, so I went off on a weird tangent about Anzu's shoes. Yeah. Just accept that; best not to ask questions. I love the Honda/Jounouchi dynamic-- those boys are just too much fun! (I've always secretly wanted to write a fic where they're a couple, but the "romance" chemistry just... isn't really there.)

Now the second scene. Like I said: (From "PandP") "Elizabeth's spirits soon rising to playfulness again, she wanted Mr. Darcy to account for his having ever fallen in love with her." That was just TOO Seto/Anzu, so I couldn't help myself. I made certain to change the part in "Lifestyles..." ("'So,' Anzu asked with a laugh, eager for any chance to tease him, 'How long have you had a crush on me?'") so it would be a good deal different, though. I like it. *beam* Doesn't look like there's that much else.

**WELL! Thanks for sticking by the story! Hope everyone enjoyed it!


revelations, azureshipping, complete, lifestyles-verse, humor, yugioh, written early-06, romance

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