Aug 05, 2008 17:56
8/4/08(MON:72º:Mostly Clear:Edouard Acting Erratically)Up @0200: Synchronized to Mac-mini & ck'd.e-mail & weather: Worked till noon-hour typhoonizing area(folded shower & storage canopies & tied down/stowed blowables: Hitched quad-cab to Casita17 as added anchorage: Tied down lumber on racks: Ck' updates: Posted LJ: Processed Verizion dp.: Dr.FLNB(made dp.): Dr.Burger King(lunch): Dr.W*M(bt.gro.): Dr.813(pk'd,behind gate): Showered in Sundower: Napped in Casita17(filled water-tank[pump wouldn't prime so inspected/tested same{no leaks seen & pressure-pump is working}]): Called patrick(patricia having storm panic attacks[rdw caught her shoplifting flashlight batteries @w*m]):RDW went SanJacinto in Suzuki: Ck'd.p-mail(rc.vodofone ck.[processed dp.for 7th.): Showered in Sundowner: Ate in Casita17: Listened am: Went bed w/chills & fevor: Asleep after 2200.
"Typhoonizing" I learned in the military. Typhoons are Pacific hurricanes, and tend to be stronger than Atlantic and Gulf storms. Learned the art in the Pacific while stationed at various air-bases in theater. So, this came rather naturally to me when I went through the drill for Edouard.