Aug 07, 2008 18:05
8/5/08(TUE:75º:Rain Beginning 0515:30+MPH NE Wind Becoming NW Noon & SW Afternoon Gusting to 50+MPH w/Paled Sunset=2.1"Rain for Event)Up just after midnight(fevor broke to wet pillow & sheets): Went office @1000: Called Patrick: Back to Casita17 due to fever: Napped till 1500: Ck'd.bp=160/88: Called Patrick(talked too long): Picked up brush & limbs: Ck'd.p-mail: Synchronized to iBook & ck'd.e-mail & weather: Updated bp chart: Posted LJ & looked @financial news: Ate in Casita17: Listened am: Asleep after 2000.
What the major media tried to make such a big deal of actually was a blessing, and the eye of Edouard actually passed over the property here !!!
8/6/08(WED:74º:Mostly Cloudy w/PM T-Storms)Up @0615: Coffee w/breakfast: Fed cats: Processed Vodafone & WFNB FLNB w/$100.less cash: Unhitched quad-cab from Casita17 & dr.FLMB(made dp.): Dr.Thrif-Tee(bt.gro.[talked to jerry mcgee]): Dr.813(pk'd.behind gate & unloaded): Re-deployed patio shower-shelter: Updated quicken: Showered/Shaved & started laundry: Dr.RDW to Baytown for lunch @Golden Corral(walked best-buy): Dr.814(pk'd.behind gate[hit bad pot-hole on n.bound shoulder on why.146]): Updated quicken: Ck'd.e-mail & weather+financial news: Fed cats: Ck'd.Susuki's F.R.wheel(shows flaring & flatting of outer rim on outside w/even sharper deformation on inner side): Showered on patio: Pulled storm damaged golden-rods & placed on pickup pile: Synchronized to iBook & Ck'd.e-mail & weather: Ck'd.web-mail: Fed cats: Showered on patio: Ate in Casita17: Read: Listened am: Asleep after 2200.
Somewhat anti-climatic, or post-climatic, depending on your point of view; I sustained more damage monetary-wise today than anything that Edouard could dish out. They don't give replacement steel wheels away, and I estimate that I'll need at least one to bring back the (what car & driver magazine calls) the Suzuki Forensia Station Wagon's "Rubbery" ride. Translate 'rubbery' as smooth and comfortable; but you see: this magazine is pitched to sports-car enthusiasts who regard rubbery ride as being sloppy to precise handling when driving to the max. These Walter Mitty types don't have a real grasp of the real world; that is to say: Day to day driving chores and requirements are not understood or appreciated.