Ramble - Hair and MCR!

May 28, 2012 13:41

Now, I've watched "Hair" again the other day and ended up listening to the music a lot and really loving it again. It's been ages since I saw it but I feel like only now I was ready for it. :)

Do you sometimes find yourself projecting Frank and Gee into everything? 
So I was thinking - wouldn't it be cute for a fanfic if Gerard and Frank were HIPPIES! Hippie love! Beautiful, long-haired, wild love!
So many ideas! Either they could both be in a sort of hippie community already, or just like in Hair, one of them comes from the US countryside to a city where the hippie spirit is really goin' on and slowly gets into the whole thing.
I can totally see Gerard being a full-blown hippie already, dreaming away all day and spiritual, getting a goodie two shoes Frankie into the whole thing. And of course they would have aweeeesome sensual sex, with incense sticks and Hare Krishna chanting or whatever. Oh, and deep conversations. Of course.
Okay, maybe I'm nuts, but wow. 
Someone should write that. Totally.
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