How life is coming back

May 29, 2012 04:09

I'm just gonna ramble about life a little... how everything has changed, how some good things have resurfaced and what not.

I've been out of hospital for about 1 1/2 months now and it feels truely great. The dialysis thing sometimes is annoying when I would very much like to stay out longer than five hours without bringing the whole equipment with me - but other than that, I am just so, so glad I got my life back!

Right now I'm reading the Batman comic "The Killing Joke" and I think it's really wicked. Though I do think Batman authors have a kink for bondage on naked men. :D The other night I watched "Batman - Year one" and they left someone outside, naked and tied up, too. It was a bit like "tie them up and leave them somewhere dangerous" - lol. I didn't like "Year One" that much. I couldn't follow the story too well and the lack of super villains was a downside. But afterwards we played that Xbox game where the Mortal Combat guys are transported into our world and they fight against the superheroes. Surprisingly I thought Wonderwoman was the must fan to play after trying out a few characters! :D

So, yeah... been watching Hair multiple times and listening to the soundtrack a lot! It's so fabulous and inspiring. Catchy songs and everything! I also watched a few films in cinema. I'm lucky my friends make an effort to get me out of my flat. I tend to stay home a lot although I have a lot of friends. 
So, the films I've seen - a hilarious movie called Iron Sky, an international, but mainly German production about the nazis having fled to the moon in 1945 and preparing for their revival. It's really, really funny. I like how they made the "nazi space myth" into an action comedy. Defenitely worth seeing if you wanna have a laugh!
I also loved Dark Shadows and will defenitely go see it again in the next days. The music was so, so great, too. I've been listening to "Nights in white satin" by The Moody Blues all day since I saw the film.
Oh, and of course I went to see Avengers. It was really cool and funny, but I was bothered by the fact that our local cinema was only showing it in 3D. I'm not too fond of the whole 3D thing. The glasses are uncomfortable and I find the effects "coming out you" just a bit too much. I would have enjoyed it even more if it hadn't been in 3D!
I also saw a really awful B-movie called Vampires Anonymous. It was super trashy and I'm glad I only paid €1 for it. :D

Oh, and, seriously, I only found out last night that narwals are real. I now I am making a huuuge fool outta myself now, but I didn't know they were real! There were so many funny things about them online, I always kind of thought they were... the unicorns of the sea? Oh well... my best friend and I started mocking each other on the phone about what animals are real and which weren't. My face and tummy still hurt from laughing!

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