*blows layer of dust off LJ*

Mar 24, 2014 16:38

Woke up today with an urge to make sure this stupid idiot and his stupid face were on my LJ as well as making up about 75% of my current posts over on tumblr.  Seriously this boy is trying to kill me with his face and his ridiculous shoulder to hip ratio and just...everything.  If he and Orlando ever end up in a movie together I may just explode from the pretty.

In other news things are going okay in my life.  Currently settled in in Cincinnati (land of people who are really awesome and nice until they get behind the wheel of a vehicle and then all bets are off) with a part time job at the Lego Store (yes that is as fantastic as it sounds) and also partially doing some flatting work for my roommates independent publishing company working on getting better/faster so I can try my hand at it as a more full time thing.

In Fandom life I'm firmly entrenched in the Marvel fandom (mostly MCU but some bleed over into the comic end of things as well I'm pretty anal about reading things in order so comic fandom is not the best fit for me but...we're coming to terms with each other) with Cap/All The Things as my sub-section of choice (seriously my OTP changes on a daily basis - it's probably Howard/Steve because I like breaking my heart constantly and/or AUs, especially age difference AUs lol).  I'm also into other things like Game of Thrones and Elementary and The Lego Movie.  Seriously if you're interested in my fandom life please check out my tumblr link's on the sidebar.

I am not currently writing.  I play at it but I just never seem to get over the hump of actually doing anything with all the ideas I have rolling around in my head.  Doesn't help that getting into new fandoms writing wise is always intimidating.

Sims 3 is also currently eating up my life.

So what has everyone else been up to?  Anything new or major in everyone's lives?

stupid idiots and their stupid faces, marvel, chris evans

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