Nov 13, 2021 20:37
In case it's not obvious by the fact that I haven't updated this place since 2014 I am no longer on LJ. Yes, I am still involved in fandom and yes I am still writing fanfic and all of that fun stuff. No, I'm not going to provide any details of where I currently am located or what fandom I'm currently in.
I made my first post on this LJ on November 3rd, 2006...15 years ago... (OMG where has the time gone!), and made my last in 2014. In those 8 years, I made a LOT of amazing memories, met a lot of awesome people, shared and read a lot of fun fanfic. And of course, spammed a LOT of pictures lol! I do on occasion still miss those simpler fandom times. But time has passed and most of us have probably moved on to other places, other fandoms, and other faces that we share all those things with now.
Because I have fond memories of this place I'm not going to delete it but I am going to lock it down a bit more. It's basically in Read-Only Mode, I've shut off comments because most of what I've written and posted here hasn't been updated in like a decade.
If you were someone I interacted with a lot back in the day hello I hope you are happy, healthy, and doing well! My life has gone on a crazy ride since 2014 but I am in a good and happy place.