Update on Life and Stuff

Aug 11, 2013 22:14

Wow I really failed at keeping up over here haven't I?

Life has been crazy insane since the last time I posted here.

-I was in a car accident. Everyone was fine except my car which my mom was driving at the time of the accident. It ended up being totaled. I've since gotten a new car (at a much steeper price then I was hoping for but it's also a lot newer so it will last a lot longer). I've also finally moved down to be with my partner. Currently I am in Northern Kentucky but in a week we'll be moving up across the river to live in Cincinnati. So looking forward to it the house we're moving into is crazy gorgeous. I'm still in the process of getting settled and finding a job and learning the ropes of the independent comic industry with my partner and her friends who own an independent publishing company. I'm hoping to learn flatting and lettering soon and I've been doing the Convention circut with them the last few months as well. I am also working on my own writing (putting together a children's picture book series at the moment) and crafting.

I've also developed a massive Sims 3 obsession and by massive I mean massive lol.

Fandom wise I'm sort of getting back into old loves. Namely Sailormoon and Hetalia. I also really love Transformers Prime (*sob* that it's ended at least for now) and Gravity Falls and some other stuff here and there as well.

I'm not going to lie I probably won't be back here on LJ for a very long time. But as always you can keep up with me on tumblr (http://infinityfishbowl.tumblr.com/) though I'm posting on that a lot less as well I've just been so busy and that Sims obsession is taking up what little time I do have free lol.

Hope everything is going well for everyone that's still out there in LJ land. *hugs to all*
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