New Icons! *flail* Check it.
Pre Question: How do I set this up so it becomes friends only? Like with the sticky post at the top, b/c I want to do some INDEPTH ranting about rl soon. I have that friends only banner too.
First: femmeslash recs, I needz em. Any fandom, I just need faith that people care about girls lezzing it up.
Second: Trust Me, It's Better Than it Sounds: A Daily Show/Colbert Report fan comic where the correspondents, couple writers and, some real newscasters, all develop (strangely familiar) superpowers and fight the purple, evil Dick Cheney from an alternate dimension who drinks the blood of pandas and his minions, the evil doubles of Jon and Stephen. BRING IT ON!
My new Fandom is . . . . *drumbeat*
Fake News Rumble The problem is I CAN'T SQEE HERE, because it'd contain a bajillion spoilers ARGH! Don'tcha just hate that?
And as much as I hate seemingly rps slash, I can shy a bit away from it here. Stephanos/Yonatan foeva. Baby carrots are Stephanos' favourite food. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* Say no more! (Dang I think I just failed at no spoilers.)
Third: Slash Fandom Explained: It is a truth universally acknowledged that any reasonably attractive young gentleman must be in want of another attractive young gentleman - whether he knows it or not.
And for the lulz (cause it is so GODDAMN true and I'm gonna be changing my mood theme to these soon):