Title: SWAG at the Costume Design Awards Pairing: Kate Walsh/Brenda Strong Rating: R Disclaimer: This didn't really happen, and I don't even think Felicity Huffman was at the Costume Design Awards. ( Read more... )
Title: "Because He's Worth It" Pairing: Patrick Dempsey/His hair Rating: G Summary: Inspired by insightful entries posted by Jane (pirateygoodness) in her journal. ( Read more... )
Title: Making use of the time while being Sleepless in Seattle Pairing: Jan Levinson(The Office)/Addison Forbes Montgomery(Grey's Anatomy) Rating: NC-17 ( Read more... )
Title: It's only rape if you don't like it. Pairing: Ellen Pompeo/Patrick Dempsey with cameo by Kate Walsh Rating: PG-13/R-ish Beta'd by Gabbie (__inadream) She's awesome. ( Read more... )