Drabble Meme--yay, writing, yay!

Oct 29, 2007 16:37

Answers to Drabble Meme

I have finally finished all of the ones requested so far (thought it's not maxed out). I had FUN!!! Thanks for the requests. Yay, Yuletide warmup! Yay, writing! Enjoy.

Nothing More Annoying Than a Bored Jack O'Neill
Stargate: SG-1, Post "The Light" (for partly)
by Amy L. Hull (idea from MtGaT, who saw it somewhere else first)



Daniel glanced over his shoulder, cursing himself as Jack smirked.


"Jack, can't you find something constructive to do?"

"Nope." Another pebble pinged off the decorated urn. "Oh, and you lasted thirty-four minutes longer than yesterday."



Daniel gritted his teeth and focused on the hieroglyphs on the walls.


Locking Jack in the palace's sex slave cells had occurred to him the first day but he decided it wasn't worth the payback.


Countless pebbles streamed to the floor.

"Sweet. Ammo! Wanna join me, kid?"


Maybe some...creative...Goa'uld distraction would be worth the payback after all.

Nothing More Persistent Than a Bored Jack O'Neill
Stargate: SG-1, Post "The Light" (for partly)
by Amy L. Hull

"Sir, could you bring my laptop from the next room?"

"Trying to get rid of me, Carter?"

"Yes, sir."

"Feeling insubordinate, are we?"

"Very much so, sir. You've been whistling 'She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain,' 'Darling Clementine' and 'It's a Small World' for three hours. I've been trying to study this power converter."

"You *could* take a vacation, Carter. Two weeks on a Goa'uld pleasure planet--"

"--with nothing to do will make me go out of my mind."

Jack shrugged. "I'm doing fine."


"Yep." He grinned, leaned his head back on intertwined hands, and resumed whistling.

Nothing More Dangerous Than a Bored Jack O'Neill: Requisitions
Stargate: SG-1, Post "The Light" (for partly)
by Amy L. Hull

Day One
Tools, alligator clips, electric wire, generator, Carter and Daniel's laptops, printer, paper, energy measuring devices, charcoal, rubbing papers, thirty of Daniel's books, box of rubber bands (500-count), naughty puzzles (over 1000 pieces)

Day Six
Carter and Daniel's entire lab contents, cake (LOTS), potato chips, Gatorade (orange, purple or green--no yellow!), cases of beer

Day Seven
Two GameBoys with connector cable and five game cartridges each, four super-soakers, poker chips, several decks of cards, portable DVD player, batteries, five seasons of The Simpsons

Day Ten
Paintball guns, protective gear, four colors paintball pellets (10000 each)

Day Eleven

Liquid Dreams
Stargate: SG-1 (for rowan_d)
by Amy L. Hull

Sam remembers the comfort of water: clean sluicing along her body as she swam, pattering of raindrops on her grandmother's portico roof, relaxing warmth of a post-run soak, hose spray in a water fight, shower spatter in her eyelashes as hands gripped her buttocks and arousal built.

That was before.

Before she emerged dripping wet after seeing Daniel immolated.

Before interminable marches home through puddles and mud, pain-wracked from torture.

Before she coughed up freezing ocean water under the Pacific.

Before she felt every cell liquefying inside her.

When she starts awake, her eyes sting with the absence of tears.

Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Smith (for rowan_d)
by Amy L. Hull

Sarah could occasionally lose herself in the adrenaline of investigations that brought limited variety to late nights.

She no longer stopped on country roads to gaze at the night sky; the earthbound panorama made her cry.

She couldn't stop herself looking up, though cloud cover brought disappointment and claustrophobia, though London's smog dimmed the galaxy's splendour.

Sometimes she could glance up and almost pretend the muted pinpoints were something entirely different to the stars she'd once seen up-close in unshrouded majesty, could almost see their beauty. Sometimes she could pretend she wasn't disappointed with the monotonous arrangement of familiar constellations.

Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Smith (for cybertardis)
by Amy L. Hull

The train clattered south from Aberdeen, the shuddering more like the TARDIS than Sarah expected. Technologies so different should feel...different.

The landscapes were dually familiar. Ancient stones and structures resembled Exxilon, Scotland, or Karn. Moors recalled London 10,000 years hence. Forests reminded her of Renaissance Italy and Zeta Minor. Rolling hills shifted in her mind to the razed surfaces of Mars, Kastria and Skaro.

Cottages and apartments streamed past. Travelling with the Doctor she'd seen so few homes the concept had become alien. Her forehead against the cold window, she knew home might elude her, might be always moving.

Backwater Planet
Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Smith (for kirbyfest)
by Amy L. Hull

Sarah wondered that she could start with manual typewriters and other journalists racing for public phones and advance to faxes, mobiles, internet, mobiles with internet.... The rapid changes frustrated her; she itched for more, always more.

The first time she wrote an entire story on-scene and submitted it to her editor with the push of a button in her handheld, she grinned for hours. Definitely more like it.

Perhaps Earth would advance to a point where she'd feel a bit less out of place, where others could begin to imagine possibilities that had, for a time, been commonplace to her.

Scarecrow and Mrs. King, post "Night Crawler" (for dotfic)
by Amy L. Hull

Only a month ago, Amanda had drifted off on Lee's couch and kissed him blearily without coming fully awake.

Tonight when Lee had switched on the bathroom light around the corner, she'd sprung from deep sleep to her feet in an instant, eyes unnaturally wide, breath coming in desperate gasps.

"Amanda?" Lee held her tensed shoulders as she scanned the room frantically until awareness returned. "He's not here. It's just me." His thumb moved gently against her neck

"Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry."

He eased her down and wrapped his arms around her still-shuddering body, murmuring soothing nonsense through clenched teeth.

Journeys End With Lovers Meeting
Slings and Arrows (for thisisnotemily)
by Amy L. Hull

Boxes toppled and glass shattered as Geoffrey fell, then insistent fingers in his shirt were undoing buttons and tugging at pants.

Later, leaning together against the upright mattress, he pointed vaguely over her shoulder at the disarray.

"You know, we *were* done packing," he said, chin resting on her head. "And I think that lampshade is done for."

"Well, one less thing to move." Ellen sniffed. "This is the last time we'll make love in this house."

"Well, I'm sure the dustbunnies will follow us." He brushed one out of her hair.

"I'll miss it."

"I know."

"Will you?"


Comet's Tail
Alien Nation (for besyd)
by Amy L. Hull

Cathy peered through the telescope lens at Hale-Bopp's tail plotting its trajectory through space.

Matt kissed her bare shoulder, one hand brushing skin at the small of her back. He matched her low hum, lips moving nearer her neck.

"What do you see when you look out there?" His voice vibrated against her ear.

She hummed with him, leaning her forehead against his.

"Loneliness. Order. Wherever we're from, the universe brought us here, just like this comet. Even though no one knew of us or it before, we're where we're supposed to be."

She cupped his neck and kissed him.

Men Are From Mars
Alien Nation (for besyd)
by Amy L. Hull

"...don't see what is funny about using a grater or hammer on someone's head!"

"You're taking it too literally. It's slapstick," one tech enthused.

"But...they're friends. I mean...it's just...cruel and..." Cathy foundered for words. "I just don't see how Matt could enjoy someone being poked in the eyes."

"The Three Stooges? I *love* that. They still show it? Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk."

"Matt had a tape." She shrugged at another colleague. "Maybe it's a Human thing."

"Honey, look at them," Gina pointed to the techs reenacting favorite Stooge moments. "This isn't a Human thing. It's a man thing."

Hope you enjoyed if you were interested!

ETA: The last two requests are here.

s&mk, sg1, sja, fic, drabbles, an, dw, s&a, writing

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