
Oct 27, 2007 22:41

Back on freshman retreat this year, I tripped over a branch and fell HARD in the woods. I managed not to damage myself except for barking my right shin REALLY hard on the tree I fell over. I bruised myself up in a number of places including higher up on my left shin. The right shin though, a bit on the inside of the leg and about four inches above my inner ankle bone, had this HUGE knot almost a centimeter tall and between a quarter and half dollar size in diameter.

It was quite an impressive bruise. The bruising settled into my foot on both sides and top like lividity in a corpse. It looked like I'd impressively broken my ankle when really I'd only bruised my shin badly.

Fortunately, my system has cleared all the technicolor bruising out of the foot. The knot on my shin, though, is still there, along with a slightly visible bruise. I'd think that it would be better by now--you know, OVER A MONTH LATER.

It's not painful, but it's just...weird.

Course, my other foot has been hurting. I was walking on it badly and have been trying to pay attention to walk through my whole foot correctly, but...still unhappy. *sigh*

Old. I'm old and fat and need to work on the one of those that I can influence.

In other news, I LOVE my headache medicine (Zomig which I taken in conjunction with ibuprofin) since this is Night Number Four of having a migraine at night and this time the meds seem to have killed it more dead than the past three nights.

owies, headaches

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