
Jul 01, 2005 17:28

I have been a Good Girl. In the four days my husband was gone I...

  • fed the kids consistently
  • napped the kids consistently
  • clothed and took the kids where they should be and got them to bed consistently
  • read to the kids
  • swiffered the house--TWICE!
  • did the dishes 2 or 3 times\
  • kept the kitchen clean
  • took out the trash and recycling
  • unpacked kitchen goods from Grandma's and washed the majority of them, put away a couple
  • exercised ALL FOUR DAYS!
  • put the yard sale clothes from last week into appropriate plastic bins and labeled the bins by size
  • put the cardboard boxes from the clothes in the basement with the other cardboard boxes
  • did major grocery shopping and put stuff away
  • put away laundry mom had done
  • watered the lawn
  • fed and watered the dogs and let them out consistently
  • poop-scooped the backyard (I LIKE it when the sun has been cooking stuff)
  • emptied the algae-filled backyard pool and laid it over the deck to dry and air out
  • watered the tree in the five-gallon bucket
  • helped at VBS three days
  • found local autism group contacts
  • picked up 8 books or so from freecycle
  • wrote bills
  • shopped for school supplies and put together bags of them to donate
  • baked myself some goodies

There might have been other things, but those are the biggies and I'm feeling pretty darned good about them! Yay, me!

And he is HOME! Yay! He is wonderful.

housework, motherhood, parenting, to do, kids

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