Breathing--not overrated since 1982

Jul 03, 2005 08:02

You know, it's a Really Good Thing that I don't have asthma or allergies. If I did, I might be half-lying, half-sitting, propped up in my bed with roughly audible breathing, and I might have meds to take for it that make me shake all over. I might even be tired from sleeping badly last night and from working to breathe and shivering. My eyes might be watery and my voice might be half gone and sitting with the computer might be enough to make me want to go back to sleep.

Yeah. Good thing that six docs have told me I don't have asthma. I'd be in real trouble if I did...

At least the ones now agree that there is SOMETHING and TREAT it, even if they don't know what name to call it by.

I am wondering if I'll be able to exercise today--even for an hour. *sigh*

ETA: And it's 2 1/2 hours later. I have cancelled the child care at the gym. Husband did NOT get the morning off as promised because I crashed HARD. Am at least not as completely droopy.

I had the hints of slight bug last week...slight sore throat, a bit of sniffles...but ignored them because, well, no cough, nothing significant.

Then yesterday we drove to see Husband's parents. The van is full of bears from my mom's house, which apparently (now that I don't live there and can tell) carries a high mildew content (VERY high humidity in her area) in anything that is cloth and lives full-time in the house (something we learned when we brought home a last bagful of my old clothes and could not wash the scent out until several launderings). So the whole van is one big mold spore (Jennie and Tara are going to LOVE that next time I transport them...) and it's been closed up in there for 4-5 days. Fortunately we were driving with the windows down, but I still could tell, just 5 minutes out of the house, that I needed to take drugs.

It was supposed to get down to 55 last night, so I came home and turned off the AC and opened up the house. By 10:30 I was wheezing and coughing and just getting worse. Husband kindly got up and closed up the house, and the filtration system (crude though it is) that is the AC seemed to help tremendously. Don't know if there's something in bloom, or if it's mildewy outside, or if it was (as Husband suggested) all the chemicals and sulphur from the local folks' firecrackers/fireworks.

I'm definitely better and the AC is helping, so I'm staying IN it. But it's certainly a good thing I don't have allergies. Otherwise, these little raccoon lines under my eyes that look like I've been hit hard and bruised might be there, and that would be unsightly and make me look half dead.

asthma, a/c, breathing

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