[Star Trek: Drabble] "Real Medicine" [G]

Aug 06, 2023 04:16

Title: Real Medicine
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 01 Galen
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS or AOS)
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Spock
Summary: “If you hate space so much, why are you here?”

Real Medicine

“Bones,” said Kirk, with fond exasperation when his friend’s rant finally wound down, “If you hate space so much, why are you here?”

“Because I’m a doctor, dammit. Because…” McCoy took a long breath. “Because this is where real medicine is.”

“Is not all medicine ‘real’?” asked Spock.

McCoy waved a dismissive hand. “Medicine that hasn’t been done before. In ancient times, the doctors studied gladiators, they did surgery on the battlefields, they went where people were doing stupidly dangerous things and they learned.”

“Are we the dangerously stupid people?” Kirk stage-whispered.

“I believe so, captain.”

McCoy snorted. “Damn right.”


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek, writerverse

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