[Supernatural: Drabble] "Next of Kin" [G]

Jun 11, 2023 04:06

Title: Next of Kin
Author: Ami Ven
Word Count: 450
Rating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s): Sam Winchester (& Dean, Cas & Jack)
Setting: episode tag to s14e07 “Unhuman Nature”
Summary Missing scene - when they take Jack to the hospital, the nurses need some additional patient information.

Next of Kin

Sam kept his distance, watching Dean watch Jack through the glass of the isolation ward.

His brother leaned one forearm against the glass, eyes fixed on the heartrate monitor beside Jack’s bed. Cas stood beside him, very close but not quite touching.

A noise from the doorway behind them made Sam look up, and he hurried over to the nurse who stood there, hesitating. “Any news?”

The young woman - her nametag read Carol - shook her head. “I’m sorry, but they’re still running tests. We’re doing everything we can.”

Sam managed the ghost of a smile. “I’m sure you are.”

“Actually,” said Carol, holding up her clipboard, “It would be helpful if we could know more about Jack’s medical history.”

“Oh, um…”

“Any little bit might help, Mr. Kline.”

“I’m not…” Sam began. “My name is Sam Smith. I’m Jack’s uncle.”

“Oh,” said Nurse Carol, glancing over at Dean and Cas, who didn’t seem to have noticed their conversation.

“Cas - Castiel,” continued Sam, “is Jack’s actual uncle. Dean is my brother, and Cas and Dean are… well…”

Carol smiled. “My cousin and her girlfriend are like that. They’ve been together so long they don’t see how a wedding would help.”

“Yeah,” said Sam.

“But Jack?” the nurse prompted. “You said his parents are dead?”

“Yeah,” Sam repeated.

He paused, thinking fast. There was a cover story they used for Cas sometimes, to explain his weird religious knowledge and odd mannerisms. He figured it could work for Jack, too.

“Jack’s mother died when he was a baby,” said Sam. “His parents lived in a religious community. Isolated, no TV, no modern medicine, that kind of thing. But Jack’s father… he ended up turning it into a cult. And the way his father died - honestly, it’s a miracle Jack turned out as sweet and caring as he is.”

“Oh, that poor boy,” breathed Carol. “Then he hasn’t been with you long?”

“Only a few months. But he’s always been pretty healthy, he says. No food allergies that we know about, either.”

“That’s a good start,” said the nurse, making a note on the chart. “We’ll do everything we can.”

“Thank you,” said Sam.

“It looks like they’re almost done drawing blood,” said Carol. “When the nurse comes out, you and Jack’s parents can go in and see him.”

She offered another smile, then left with Jack’s information.

Sam walked over to the observation window - Dean looked at him, questioning, and he managed a smile.

“Just taking care of the paperwork,” said Sam, and his brother nodded.

“He’s gonna be okay,” Dean said, as much to himself as to Sam and Cas. “He’s gonna be fine.”

“Yeah,” agreed Sam, and tried to believe it.


Current Mood:


supernatural, drabble

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