[Stargate: Drabble] "Priorities" [Sam/Jack, G]

Jun 11, 2023 03:07

Title: Priorities
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: sj_everyday challenge 32 not enough time
Word Count: 497
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Summary: “How ‘bout you let me do that, general?”


“How ‘bout you let me do that, general?”

Sam handed over her keys, too tired for even a token protest, and let Jack unlock her front door. He waved off the airman who had driven them, then closed the door, catching Sam’s elbow as she swayed on her feet.

“How long have you been awake, Carter?”

She toed off her shoes. “Only a couple of days.”


“Forty-nine hours,” Sam told him. “And I had a charming, handsome older gentleman bringing me food for the last twelve.”

“You didn’t tell me Teal’c was bringing you food, too,” said Jack, mock-offended.

Sam snorted. “You think you’re funny, Jack O’Neill, but you’re not.”

“No, I’m hilarious. And you’re dead on your feet. C’mon, Carter, let’s get you upstairs.”

Jack slung an arm around her waist, partly to prevent any continued wobbling from knocking her back down the stairs, and partly because he still loved being able to touch her, now that he was finally allowed.

“I did say thank you, didn’t I?” Sam asked. “You didn’t have to stick around and help.”

Officially, he was off-duty, which was why he’d hopped a transport out of D.C. and arrived at Cheyenne Mountain in his civies. But SG-17 had been missing for over twenty-four hours by then, and he knew that the SGC’s commanding officer wouldn’t leave the base until they had been found, even if her boyfriend had just arrived from the other side of the country.

Jack didn’t really mind, though. He’d come to spend time with Sam, no matter where she was or what she was doing. And if he got to hand-feed her forkfuls of cake while she broke the laws of physics (again) or watch her bark out orders like the experienced badass general that she was, well, that was just a bonus.

They reached the top of the stairs and turned into her bedroom, and Jack started working on the buttons of her uniform blouse.

“I’m sure you did thank me,” he said, in reply to her earlier question. “But you know I’ve always been more of an action guy.”

“Oh, I know,” said Sam. She leaned up to kiss him, then broke off with a yawn. “Sorry. But if you give me about six more hours, I can thank you properly.”

“Eight, Carter,” he corrected. “Then food, then sex.”

She laughed and kissed him. “I knew there was a reason I love you.”

“Backatcha,” said Jack, and started on her buttons again. He finished with her blouse, then moved to the waistband of her pants.

And froze.

“Carter,” he said, slowly. “Am I seeing things or are you not wearing any underwear?”

“Oh,” said Sam. “I was running low on clean laundry and there wasn’t enough time to go looking for any when I got called in.”

This time, Jack kissed her, long and deep, then pulled away. “New plan,” he said. “Sleep, then sex, then food, then sex again.”

Sam laughed. “Yes, sir.”


Current Mood:

need coffee

drabble, sj_everyday, stargate sg-1, sam/jack

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