Title: In Conclusion
Author: Ami Ven
writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 17 the last page
Word Count: 220
Rating: G
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing(s): Ray Palmer/Mick Rory
Summary: “Isn’t that the same page you were on when I went to bed?”
In Conclusion
“Hey, you’re still awake.”
Mick looked up from his typewriter to see Ray leaning in their bedroom doorway, looking sleepily puzzled.
“I thought you were almost at the end,” said Ray. He padded closer, leaning over Mick’s shoulder to peer at the sheet of paper in the typewriter. “Isn’t that the same page you were on when I went to bed?”
“Yeah?” Mick repeated. “The last page. It’s important.”
Ray nodded sympathetically. “A good closing line can be just as powerful as an opening one. What have you got so far?”
“Buck and Gareema have just defeated the Horde of Evil,” said Mick.
“And then what?”
“Then, nothing. Everyone’s dead.”
“Not Buck and Gareema,” said Ray. “And they haven’t seen each other since Buck went undercover in the Galactic Fighting Ring, which was - what? - chapter ten?”
“Eleven,” said Mick.
“Right,” Ray agreed. “So they should probably have sex.”
“Now, why didn’t I think of that?” Mick said, annoyed. “You’re a bad influence, Haircut.”
“Me? I’m the one who thought of it.”
“True. There should probably be some kinda reward for that.”
Ray grinned. “Maybe I should help you plan out the last page.”
Mick stood, setting his glasses on the desk, and caught Ray around the waist. “Sure. But we’re definitely gonna need more than just the one page.”
Current Mood: