[Psych: Drabble] "Someone to Stay With" [G]

May 29, 2023 03:54

Title: Someone to Stay With
Author: Ami Ven
Word Count: 592
Rating: G
Fandom: Psych
Character(s): Gus Guster, Henry Spencer
Setting: post-series, pre-first movie
Summary “If you have someone who you could stay with, we’d be able to release you tonight.”

Someone to Stay With

“Okay, Mr. Guster,” said the nurse, consulting something on her clipboard. “All of your test results look very good. You’ll probably be sore for a few more days - you can take regular over-the-counter aspirin, no more than the recommended dose.”

“Great,” he said. “Then I can go?”

She hesitated. “Despite the tests, there is still a minor chance of brain injury. If you live with someone, or have someone who you could stay with, to observe you, we’d be able to release you tonight.”

Gus sighed. The rather dramatic - and violent - end of their case had interrupted Shawn and Juliet’s anniversary dinner. It was the third time they’d rescheduled it already, and he’d sworn he was just going to the hospital as a precaution, so Shawn wouldn’t insist on driving him. Chief Vick had given him the ride, but she had a kid to worry about and as much as he liked her, she really wasn’t that kind of friend.

“Well, I…”


He looked up to see someone hurrying down the corridor, dodging patients and staff. “Mr. Spencer?”

Henry stopped in the doorway of the exam room. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“Mr. Spencer?” Gus repeated. “What are you doing here?”

“Karen called when she dropped you off, said you’d been hurt, so I came as soon as I could.”

“Exactly. It’s a five-hour drive and I know I haven’t been here that long.”

Henry shrugged. “I shaved off a few hours with the police siren I keep for emergencies.”

“This isn’t an emergency,” Gus protested.

“I want to hear that from a medical professional,” Henry told him, with a pointed look at the nurse.

She looked back at him, doubtful. “Are you a relative?”

“There should be something in his medical records that list me as a contact. Henry Spencer. S-P-E-N-C-E-R.”

“Yes, there is,” the nurse said. “Now, I can tell you that Mr. Guster is fine. But, he did suffer a blow to the head, so he’ll need to stay for observation if there was no one to stay with him.”

Henry scowled. “Where’s Shawn? Or Juliet?”

“I sent them home,” said Gus. “I thought I was fine, and I didn’t want to make them postpone their anniversary dinner for the fourth time.”

The older man’s expression softened. “Well, I’ve already driven all this way, I might as well see it through. I’ll stay with him.”

“I’ll bring you the paperwork,” said the nurse, smiling, and left.

“Not that I’m not grateful you’re here,” said Gus, after a beat of silence. “But didn’t Chief Vick tell you what happened? She was there.”

“I wasn’t really listening,” Henry admitted. “She said she’d just dropped you off at the hospital and I was already on my way here.”

“I…” Gus began, but he really didn’t know what to say to that.

Henry rested a hand on his shoulder. “I know you’ve got your own family, Gus, but I’ve always considered you mine. When Shawn and I… lost touch, while you were at college, I’m sorry that it meant losing touch with you, too.”

“Thanks, Mr. Spencer.”

“You know, you’re an adult now, Gus. You could call me ‘Henry’.”

Gus nodded. “Okay, Henry.”

They both looked at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“No, I’m sorry,” said Gus. “That’s too weird.”


The nurse came back in. “Just fill these out,” she said, handing Henry a clipboard, “and I can finish Mr. Guster’s release to his… father?”

Both men grinned. “Close enough,” Henry agreed, and started on the paperwork.


Current Mood:


psych, drabble

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