[Stargate: Drabble] "Rainy Days" [SG-22, G]

Apr 24, 2023 02:53

Title: Rainy Days
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 07 out in the rain
Word Count: 550
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “It’s wet, sir. Very, very wet.”

Rainy Days

“At least it’s a warm rain,” said Toby, and the other three members of SG-22 turned to stare at him.

SG-1 had done the preliminary mission to P1X-9735, reporting no signs of intelligent life or anything else of interest within a hundred yards of the stargate. SG-14 had done the second survey, extending the range to two hundred yards and pitching camp at the gate for a full forty-eight hours. They reported no activity, and temperatures in the low eighties Fahrenheit that dropped about twenty degrees when the sun went down.

Now, SG-22 was taking a third pass at the planet, hiking a full day out from the gate in each of the cardinal directions, to assess its suitability as an Alpha Site or its potential for relocating refugees. It had been looking pretty good until mid-morning on the fifth day, when the rain started.

The temperature had only dropped a few degrees, still well above freezing at night, and it was barely more than a drizzle, but after a wet night camping in wet tents and a wet, muddy walk back to the gate, it was getting old.

“Warm rain,” Gryff scoffed, as Levi dialed the gate. The wormhole sprang to life, and she keyed her radio. “Stargate Command, this is SG-22, checking in.”

“Acknowledged, SG-22,” said General Hammond. “Report.”

“It’s wet, sir,” said Jason, leaning against her shoulder. “Very, very wet.”

“It’s been raining for a day and a half, sir,” added Gryff.

“Any injuries?” Hammond asked immediately.

“No, sir. We’re just very wet.”

There was a pause on the other end. “The reports from SGs One and Fourteen didn’t show any damage from major weather events. Has there been any flooding? Anything that might make this planet unsuitable for an Alpha Site, or continuing your mission too dangerous?”

Gryff sighed. “We really are very wet, sir.”

“I’m sorry, captain. But P1X-9735 is one of the most habitable planets we’ve found in months. Can your team hold out two more days?”

She looked around at her team, soaked through with water dripping down their faces - but all three of them shared a look, then nodded.

“Yes, sir, we can. But, sir-”

“I’m already having the quartermaster put together some dry clothes and more waterproof gear,” said Hammond. “And I’ll have the cooks make a big batch of chicken noodle soup when you get back.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Stay safe, captain. If that rain does become a danger, you come straight back home.”

“Yes, sir,” said Gryff. “We’ll check in again in two days.”

“Acknowledged, SG-22. We’ll dial back in thirty minutes to send through the supplies.”

“Thank you, sir. SG-22 out.”

The wormhole shut down, leaving Gryff and her team alone in the rain.

Levi sighed. “Two more days. I’ll never be dry again.”

“You always say that,” said Jason. “Didn’t you know this was what you signed up for when you signed on with the Air Force?”

“The camping aspect was woefully underrepresented,” Levi said, his grumpy tone at odds with the smile tugging at his lips.

Gryff patted his shoulder. “We’ll make an outdoorsman out of you, yet.

“Do you have to?”

“It’s god for you, Levi,” put in Toby, heading past him and back to their main camp area. “Just singin’ in the rain…”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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