Title: A Fruit That Never Withers
ameyao_roinyiRating: PG
Pairings: slight Tia Dalma/Will and mentions of Davy Jones/Tia Dalma
Word Count 4060
Warnings: spoilers for DMC, small mentions of rotting corpses. Perhaps a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Disney owns all. Life is cruel.
Summary: Will can't cope with the events at the end of DMC, so Tia
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Comments 22
"I resent that she feels Jack is the only one to give her that freedom. I have not tried to cage her in a gilded prison. I've never once told her that she could not do as she would want. I even taught her how to fight with a sword, which is not training most ladies of her rank would receive. I know she has a most adventurous spirit and I've always tried to honor that part of her. I feel that I have been supportive of her longing to break away from the constraints of the classic feminine ideal."I finally figured out a couple of days ago what it was that I didn't like about the J/E dynamic - and this is it, summarized EXACTLY. Escaping Norrington and a life of constraint and propriety to be with Will was one thing; but what's to "escape" by leaving Will to be with a man similarly-given to allow Elizabeth her freedom to act as she will? Indeed, her only true "escape" from Will would be a life with no man, wouldn't it? Anyway, I just wanted to stay you had Will state it ( ... )
I actually started out liking Elizabeth. In the first movie I was rather fond of her. The first time I saw DMC I went home still liking her. But the more I thought about the way she acted in DMC the more upset at her I started to get. I really love Will as a character and the thought that she so obviously hurt him very much at the end of the film made me start to dislike her. I find her behavior to be very selfish and cruel. I have no interest in J/E as a couple and I find it odd that it's so popular right now. It seems to me that hardly anyone wants to think about poor Will's feelings in the matter.
her only true "escape" from Will would be a life with no man, wouldn't it?I completely agree. I don't want to see anyone paired up at the end of PotC III. I want them all to go their separate ways. I don't think Elizabeth is ready for marriage and neither is Will. There is going to be too many bitter feelings between the two for ( ... )
I know she doesn't like to get onto the computer considering that she is on it all day at work, but yeesh. I am only going to have a couple more weeks before I go to visit my father in Kansas.
Do you not have internet access at your Dad's? How long are you going to be staying there?
Will's inner musing I thought were just spot on!
I so glad you feel that way. I was afraid people might think he was OOC. There are many in fandom that seem to be of the opinion that Will isn't very smart. So I was worried him being introspective would be seen as OOC.
Thanks a lot for reading! :D
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