Title: A Fruit That Never Withers
ameyao_roinyiRating: PG
Pairings: slight Tia Dalma/Will and mentions of Davy Jones/Tia Dalma
Word Count 4060
Warnings: spoilers for DMC, small mentions of rotting corpses. Perhaps a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Disney owns all. Life is cruel.
Summary: Will can't cope with the events at the end of DMC, so Tia
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When I think about his friendship with Jack I always wonder what was it that first impressed Jack, and personally I think it was because he couldn't fool Will like he did other people. He could withhold information, but he couldn't lose Will with meandering sentances. Like when Gibbs told him the story of the Sea Turtles and Will asked what he used for rope. That's a mark of a sharp person.
Personally I also think thats why he knows, almost imedietly (sp?)what's going on with Elizabeth. I suspect Will even figured out that she did something to keep Jack on the ship when the kraken came. He does this little suspicous squint in the movie when she chokes on "he was a good man" at the toast in Tia Dalma's hut.
I really enjoyed how you also brought up the old stuff he's been carrying around before Elizabeth, about being unapreciated. And his fear of Barbossa. I thought those really rounded out his character in here. Bravo!
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