Title: A Fruit That Never Withers
ameyao_roinyiRating: PG
Pairings: slight Tia Dalma/Will and mentions of Davy Jones/Tia Dalma
Word Count 4060
Warnings: spoilers for DMC, small mentions of rotting corpses. Perhaps a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Disney owns all. Life is cruel.
Summary: Will can't cope with the events at the end of DMC, so Tia
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I know she doesn't like to get onto the computer considering that she is on it all day at work, but yeesh. I am only going to have a couple more weeks before I go to visit my father in Kansas.
Do you not have internet access at your Dad's? How long are you going to be staying there?
I had this dream not too long ago in which I ran into Misty on the UNR campus. For some reason she had blonde hair...and was taking a class about Samurai. We briefly sat down and talked by a stream which was located in front of the library for some reason.
Oh, I read a little (emphasis on little) research on the East India Company. It was formed under Elizabeth I in the begining of the 1600s so there is little chance of determining the movie's date from the presence of the Company. However, if you catch the company's flag in the film it can give you some info. Before 1707 and the official union between England and Scotland and the creation of Great Britain, their flag looked remarkably similiar the United States flag on instead of the blue and stars there was a canton of the flag of England (St. George's Cross) which was a white field with a red cross. After the union they flew the flag of the Great Britian which looks almost just like the Union Jack of today.
I always figure it takes place in the early 1720's ( ... )
I read somewhere that Queen Anne may have had a lesbian relationship with an ancestor of Winston Churchill.
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