time to get our end of the year meme on!

Dec 31, 2010 21:12

End of the Year Fandom Meme.

1. Your main fandom of the year:
As the World Turns.

2. Your favorite Films this year:
This year was a bleak year for films (for me) but I loved Black Swan, Broken Embraces, Toy Story 3.

3. Your favorite Books read this year:
I've read a lot of celebrity autobiographies this year. I liked Farley Granger's a lot and I liked everything I read from Dan Savage. I'm in the middle of Portia de Rossi's book and it's damn good.

4. Your favorite Albums or Songs this year:
Hanson's "Shout It Out" and Rufus Wainwright's "Songs for Lulu". I did like a lot of songs this year. I couldn't tell you anyone who sang them but there have been some good songs this year.

5. Your favorite TV Shows this year:
House, Oz (finished it in '10), As the World Turns (for bringing us Reid - nothing else), Mad Men, Vampire Diaries, Dexter, and Queer as Folk's always in there.

6. Your favorite LJ Community this year:
lure_atwt was the place to be when the show was on. I had a lot of fun in those live discussions. But, you know that I'm gonna say noah_who 'cause, come on. That was the best idea since sliced bread.

7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year?
Vampire Diaries -- even though I'm not really in that fandom so it doesn't count. Maybe I'll just say Luke and Reid from As the World Turns.

8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year?
The thing that didn't happen on As the World Turns. I live in a T?WT? world. So, maybe not such a big disappointment, haha.

9. Your TV Boyfriends of the year:
Dr. Reid Oliver, Don Draper, and Damon Salvatore, of course.

10. Your TV Girlfriends of the year:
Joan from Mad Men, Peggy from Mad Men, Katie Snyder? Sure.

11. Your biggest Squee moment of the year?
Luke and Reid. Luke and Reid. Luke and Reid.

12. Your most Missed Old Fandom?
I had a lot of nostalgia fun this year with Queer as Folk and getting together with a lot of old friends from Queer as Folk fandom has been nothing but fun. It made me think about QaF a lot. So, I'll always miss it.

13. Your Fandom that you haven't Tried Yet, but want to?
I haven't really discovered anything that'll top the experience I had this year and I don't want anything to top it right now. I'm getting along just fine in that fandom.

14. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year?
More Luke and Reid creativity and the Epic Rewatch of 2011! Hell yeah.

2010 Year In Review.

1. Where did you begin 2010?
I think that I was right here. I think that I was in this apartment. I can't remember when I've moved from place to place but that sounds about right.

2. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
I attended a ceremony where new priests were receiving their vestments. I've never documented a trip from start to finish with photographs and I got to do that. I spent my birthday in the country where I was born and that was really important to me. I think that that's about it.

3. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never make any!

4. Were you in school (anytime this year)?

5. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My friend Jennifer.

6. Any new additions to your family?

7. Did anyone close to you die?
No one close to me, no.

8. Did you know anybody who got married?

9. What countries did you visit?
Korea and the Philippines.

10. How did you earn your money?
I was unemployed almost half a year and then I got a job again.

11. Where did most of your money go?
Myself, ha. I was unemployed and then I wasn't and I decided to treat myself with concerts, theater, plenty of DVDs, and I bought a new computer.

12. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Glad to say I did not.

13. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
I'd like to do more travel around the States. I don't think that I have the time (as in vacation time) but it's a nice idea.

14. What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 2nd was my first day at work again and it felt/feels really good to be employed.

15. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting a job. I consider that a huge achievement. There was no guarantee that I would be getting the position even though I had previously worked there. The company may not have taken me back for whatever reason and I'm just grateful that they didn't turn me away.

16. What was your biggest failure?
I think that I've had a few.

17. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I got sick in the Philippines and then I hurt my back again a couple of months later. So, that blew.

18. Where did you go on holidays/vacation?
Vacation to the Philippines last February.

19. What was the best thing you bought?
My new computer! I love it so much. I said to myself that I was going to use it as a backup to my laptop and still continue to use my laptop but I find that I'm on this computer a lot. I also bought my mom some clothes to take on her trip for Christmas and she was really surprised by that. She was also surprised with her birthday gift and they were these photo enlargements of her parents. She really loved that.

20. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine for not killing anyone back in February even though I was tempted.

21. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
A few family members.

22. What did you get really excited about?
I am still excited to be in the Lure fandom. A great time was had by all. Other than that, I'm pretty excitable and get excited about a lot of things so this can refer to just about anything.

23. Did you move anywhere?
Thankfully, no. I don't think that I can say the same next year.

24. Where do you live now?

25. What song will always remind you of 2010?
Teenage Dream as sung by Darren Criss on Glee, King of Anything by Sara Bareilles, and Lifehouse's All In. So, three songs.

26. Compared to this time last year, are you:
A. Happier or sadder? Same.
B. Thinner or fatter? Same.
C. Richer or poorer? Richer.

27. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Everything, lol. I had so much time off and I didn't do a thing.

28. What do you wish you'd done less of?

29. How will you be spending Christmas?
I spent it with my mom.

30. What do you want for Christmas?
I gave myself everything that I wanted.

31. Where are you spending New Year's? and with who?
I'll just be here!

32. Did you fall in love in 2010?

33. How many one-night stands?

34. What was your favorite TV program?
I really loved Mad Men's season this year. It was pretty fucking stellar.

35. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

36. What was the best book you read?
I read through Dan Savage's books this year and I really liked them.

37. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I had some great musical theater discoveries! Really loved In the Heights, Next to Normal, and Venice. I did also discover Phoenix and Neon Trees and started listening to their stuff.

38. What did you want and get?
Wanted a new computer and got it!

39. What was your favorite film of this year?
Black Swan was such a mind trip. But, Toy Story 3 also made me bawl my eyes out.

40. What did you do on your birthday?
I had an excellent time! Went to a fabulous buffet in Makati and spent it with the people who brought me into existence and in the afternoon and evening, I was with my cousins. I had a really great time.

41. What would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I'm so fucking grateful for everything that I was given that I cannot ask for more.

42. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
I finally got some new clothes when I got my new job so I got some great summer clothes. Then, I got broke again in the winter and now I have no winter clothes, haha. I'm a jeans and nice top kind of girl.

43. What kept you sane?
Fandom and everyone on my flist. I heart you all so much!

44. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Er, hmm. Oh! Eric Sheffer Stevens. Thank you for coming into my life with your excellent acting abilities. Even his laugh makes me giddy.

45. What concerts/shows did you go to?
Oh my god. I barely went to any this year and I'm feeling so concert deprived. But I did go to two really great shows. Hanson's show in September was the best I've ever been to because I wasn't trampled for the first time in my life. Also went to Lifehouse at the Gibson and experiencing them in such a big venue was just crazy. Sara Bareilles was a great one too. I decided not to see her because it wasn't a GA show but her new album was so fucking fantastic I just had to go. So, I did.

46. Did you see any live sporting events?
Nope. Not a sports person. I regret missing the Winter Olympics though. :(

47. What political issue stirred you the most?
The election in November (in general), Don't Ask Don't Tell, and a lot of education reform in the state stirred my interest.

48. What has been your favorite moment?
I really enjoyed seeing Gale Harold throughout the year, lol. It was a Gale Harold kind of year.

49. What was your best month?
March, I basically slept through March. Haha. That was an interesting time.

50. Who was the best new person you met?
My Lure fandom friends! Okay, some haven't been new but we've all been getting better acquainted. It's also kind of amazing that it took that fandom to get me and _alicesprings together. Because ... really? Really. Makes no sense. :D

51. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Courtney? lol. I think I only drink with her.

52. Who did you miss?
I haven't been able to see my cousins as often because of my new job so I miss hanging out with them as often as I used to when I had my weekdays free.

53. Favorite Night out?
I had a pretty magical night at Disneyland not too long ago. It was pretty perfect. I've had some pretty good nights out though.

54. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010:
Family's just a title. Family should be the people who care about you and who really have your best interests at heart. If they don't then they aren't worth it.

55. What's something you learned about yourself?
It's been a really tough year. I think that this year has been tougher than most. I've learned that I'm an incredibly patient person. Patience has definitely been the word to use this year.

56. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Do you know what it's like to die alive?" A wee bit morbid but it's certainly something that I've felt. So, I can only hope for improvement next year and I'll put in new lyrics here

qaf 30 day meme: day 29 - 30 (bonus day).

I've absolutely loved doing this meme! Maybe there'll be another one in '20? Ha.

Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)

That would be anything by url_girl, raelala (as severina2001 mentioned), ohfreckle, and our original icon maker of all icon makers - paddies! I also loved the wallpapers that I used to have. Man, there was a whole site for it. They were all great.

Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?

Well, of course I do! I have all the DVDs and the first DVD of the British series. I have the book in hardcover that I got the day it came out. I have a bunch of episodes recorded from Showtime. I have some screeners. I have a lot of scripts. I have a big S1 poster. I have something from one of the conventions. I have a matchbook, the calendars, fans, temporary tattoos, a shirt I got from one of the Planet Babylon stops in Vancouver. And thanks to one v. v. generous fangirl, BBC, I got me a pillowcase from the set! \o/ I think that's everything. That sounds like a lot.

God, what don't I want from the set would've been the better question, haha. Anything in Brian's loft.

Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

I'm pimpin', haha. I'm gonna pimp my website qafcaps.com. It's definitely a labor of love. QaF and now Lure are my strongest fandoms and I'm just not someone who goes from one thing to the next. I kind of stick to one thing and that's where I'm happiest. I'd love to have some kind of archive site dedicated to our fandom. Still considering it and it's really a matter of getting some participation from some of the former fandom fans. It'd be nice is all I'm sayin'!

QaF 30 Day Meme
Day 1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?
Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season
Day 3 - Your favorite QaF episode
Day 4 - Your favorite QaF season intro episode
Day 5 - Your favorite QaF season finale
Day 6 - Your favorite storyline
Day 7 - Your favorite main character
Day 8 - Your favorite minor character
Day 9 - Your least favorite character
Day 10 - Your favorite couple
Day 11 - Your favorite friendship
Day 12 - Your favorite scene
Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene
Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off
Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened
Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt
Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show
Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show
Day 23 - Your favorite place
Day 24 - Your favorite QaF quote
Day 25 - Your favorite QaF one-liner
Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show
Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid
Day 28 - Your favorite QaF fanfic
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)
Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?
Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

And those are all the memes I wanted to get out before the new year!

I hope that everyone is having a safe, awesome night tonight. I'm not really big on it so I am here. Give me a chance to get caught up on everything. So, wishing everyone a fabulous new year and I'm sure that I'll be seeing you all around!


meme, new year

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