qaf 30 day meme: day 7 - day 16.

Dec 19, 2010 23:15

Omg. Yes. I am behind by a lot. Let's play catch up!

Day 7 - Your favorite main character

Brian ... no, Justin. No, Brian. Wait -- Justin. All right, I'm not choosing just one. Sorry, I'm cheating. I was about the same age as Justin when I started watching the show so I certainly felt just as determined and just as ambitious as he did and headstrong. Of course, not at all in the same ways (as I didn't have someone as hot to chase down as Brian Kinney) but I felt like I was growing up with him, in a way. And with Brian, his character was so unique and he really was the asshole with a heart of gold. I'm not a S4 or S5 fan at all but that speech where he openly spoke about all of his faults and admitting to Ted that he lost the two most important people in his life really said it all about him. So, during the apologist wars, know that I'm partial to both in different ways.

Day 8 - Your favorite minor character

DAPHNE. God, we just didn't see enough of her, did we? I loved that she had that babysitting gig with Justin in S5 and was there for the rehearsal dinner. If there was anything that we could take away from the Pink Posse line was how worried she was about her BFF. Needed more Daphne.

Day 9 - Your least favorite character

Michael fucking Novotny. For many, many, many, many, many reasons.

Day 10 - Your favorite couple

Um, hello. Since the beginning of this crazy fandom journey it's always been Brian and Justin. No matter what you did to try to split them up, Cowlip, they endure. So, nice try. You fail.

Day 11 - Your favorite friendship

Very close tie between Brian and Ted and Ted and Emmett. For Brian and Ted, you just saw their relationship evolve from Ted having this kind of hero worship for Brian and Brian looking at him like one of his many minions. But, it's always been more than that between them and that becomes apparent later after Ted's stint in rehab. It's obvious that Brian does consider them friends and even trusts him enough to give him a position at his new advertising agency. I love that scene where Brian does admit that they are friends. This is somewhere in S5, I think. When he says, "For a friend?" Need to job my memory on this one.

As for Ted and Emmett, I think that it takes a lot of endurance and love in a friendship to go from best friends to engaging in a relationship and back to being friends again. They've literally been to hell and back, really tested the limits of their friendship, but ultimately came out unscathed. I think that they took a long journey together and it was interesting to see it evolve and come full circle in the end.

Day 12 - Your favorite scene

What? This is like asking me what my favorite musical is. It's not gonna happen.

For now, I'll pick the last scene of Season 3. It was a scene that really brought everyone together and left me with a really satisfied, happy feeling.

Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene

107 when Craig "discovered" that Justin was gay and the way that they kept cutting back and forth to Brian and Justin fucking on the bed, 110 because hotel sex was v. v. hot, 202 healing!sex, uhhhhhhhhhh yeah. There were a lot of really great ones.

Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene

I already mentioned the scene in 215 with drunk!Brian and totally panicked!Ted and I laugh every single time that I see it. Coming in second would have to be the swim dude guy in the chatroom that Emmett visits. When he says, "Yeah, man, I'm so gorny." And Emmett looks confused and says, "Gorny?" And the dude says in his cute little Canadian accent, "Oops, sorry, typo. I'm ... I'm so horny!" You can just imagine these cybersexers getting all into it and making typos all over the place. The thought is hilarious and that guy's delivery never fails to totally crack me up.

Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry

Uh, prom. Who does not weep?

I will also say when Brian rolls the bowling ball down the street and Badly Drawn Boy plays in the background? I end up sobbing.

Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy



He literally never lets go of his mouth. He does this move where he's taking off his shirt but Justin pulls away a little and Brian dips his head back in to capture Justin's lips? God. You can just feel how happy he is.

Again, in close second, 510 and the I Love You scene! It didn't really hit me until a few years ago but when it did? It hit me pretty fucking hard and I feel so happy and so relieved when I see it like ... finally. Justin certainly knew that Brian loved him. You don't do everything that Brian did for him because you want to fuck someone convenient. But, it was certainly gratifying to hear that he felt that way about Justin and Justin did feel that way about Brian.

QaF 30 Day Meme
Day 1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?
Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season
Day 3 - Your favorite QaF episode
Day 4 - Your favorite QaF season intro episode
Day 5 - Your favorite QaF season finale
Day 6 - Your favorite storyline
Day 7 - Your favorite main character
Day 8 - Your favorite minor character
Day 9 - Your least favorite character
Day 10 - Your favorite couple
Day 11 - Your favorite friendship
Day 12 - Your favorite scene
Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene
Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off
Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened
Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt
Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show
Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show
Day 23 - Your favorite place
Day 24 - Your favorite QaF quote
Day 25 - Your favorite QaF one-liner
Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show
Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid
Day 28 - Your favorite QaF fanfic
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)
Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?
Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

qaf meme

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