heart attack

May 26, 2005 09:40

So yesterday I almost got hit by a car.

I was walking downtown, crossing Market St. when this Expedition came flying around the corner and slammed on his brakes about 2 feet from where I was standing. Immediately a chorus of horns erupted from several cars at the intersection, and i froze. how stupid is that, a huge SUV coming towards me and I freeze?! My heart was pounding. The guy that almost hit me was on his cel phone and just looked at me and mouthed "sorry." jerk.

On another note, this whole deciding what I'm going to do after college thing has really been bothering me lately. I've always just assumed that I would go to graduate school, but now I think that an Internsip might be better instead? I guess I'll just go ahead and take the GRE and see how I do. I don't know. I wish everything would just fall into place.


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