and everything I love about you is a mess.

Sep 15, 2009 22:08

In all honesty, don't expect me to be around LJ at ALL for the next like.
2 months.
At least.

It's not that I don't love you guys, or that I've gotten tired of LJ; university is just so hardcore pummeling me right now, and making me seriously wonder why I chose this intense program. Obviously a program that's extremely competitive to get in to (only top 6% of applicants get in) is just gonna keep working your ass into the ground. How could I have thought otherwise. -___- Then add on adjusting to living so far from home, trying to keep an eye on my health esp since last year, and dealing with personal matters, and bam! Shit-storm!

...Till next time, much love bbs ♥

university, lj, .public

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