you were the coal, she was the fire, that warmed your skin, and all within

Dec 24, 2009 20:07

Happy Holidays everyone! &hearts

It's that time of year again... came home a few days ago from university and back to civilization! Don't get me wrong, Kingston's not bad. I'm just a city girl at heart.

Been sleeping 12 hours a day, doing Christmas shopping. I realize I didn't post a Christmas wish-list this year (November was pretty brutal, and then it was exam time), but I'm sure everyone knows my tastes by now...? If not, I'll still like whatever you get me (cards alone are perfect).

And since I rarely come home, how about ideas for hangouts?

- movies: Sherlock Holmes, Princess and the Frog, A Christmas Carol, 2012. Sorry buds, not interested in Avatar...
- Japanese buffet or Korean BBQ? I'm deprived of good Asian anything in K town
- New Year's Eve: either Nathan Philip's or Alice Fazooli's for drinks
- pool anyone? XD Just had throw it out there...
- baking? I will attempt cookies if need be
- and any other bright ideas you guys have &hearts I'm for just sitting in a coffee shop too :3

Let me know what you guys are interested in, and when you're free. I'll say now I'm booked on 28th, 29th, 30th, and Umair and I still haven't set our hangout day. x_x; He gets slight priority since we haven't met up in over a year.

Shari, I have a hangout plan for us, whenever you're free!

Wish it snowed more though. :( The skies tricked me into think it'd be a white Christmas earlier, but now it's stopped snowing! Again!


That's about it. Best wishes everyone! &hearts


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