Just the 2.5 of Us

Nov 18, 2011 14:04

Not much actually going on in our lives, but since I'm at home with nothing to do (quite literally!), I have no excuse for continuing to put off this long-overdue entry.

[Before I go any further: YES, WE'RE OKAY.]

Spent about 4.5 hours in the hospital last night for observation. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions since about the middle of my second trimester (totally normal!), but yesterday was particularly crampy and back-hurty. Sometime after lunch (during which I went out with a girlfriend instead of eating in because we needed OUT of the building thanks to a CRAPTASTIC MORNING WITHOUT WORKING WATER OR SEWER LINES), I noticed that I was having more contractions than usual. Deciding to err on the side of caution, I tracked them and noted that I was having 30-60 second contractions every 2-5 minutes, and after an hour of that, determined that That Ain't Right. Called the doctor, got the answering service, called my husband, called the doctor back, left a message, spoke to the doc on call, started to panic, and was told to come to the hospital.

The Prof met me there (there is a reason we picked a hospital we can walk to from home!) and they hooked me up to all kinds of monitors, which seemed to piss Peanut off no end (seriously, she kicked at the monitor for FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT, which amused us - and the hospital staff - to no end). Eventually, I was given The World's Most Uncomfortable Pelvic Exam by Dr. Doogie Howserette (my husband's reaction: "I bet she ends every shift typing on her computer about how 'I learned something today...'") and they ran a bunch of tests which all came back normal and will probably end up costing Peanut's first year of college tuition.

The Good News:
* My baby is awesome. The nurse's exact words!
* Quick ultrasound confirmed that my awesome baby is no longer breech. Good girl!
* I am not at risk for pre-term labor. Doc said the test was 90% accurate, though whether that's scientific fact or just an expression, I cannot say. (I could look it up, but I'm lazy.)
* I'm in great shape and this is apparently just "one of those things" that happens.

The Bad News:
* I was ordered to spend at least the next day with my feet up. Normally, that'd be fine, but I don't have that much sick time left at work, so there is a whole lot of Not Getting Paid in my future. HOPEFULLY, my regular doctor will clear me to go back to work on Monday.
* Also, kinda bored. Funny how there's so much you would do if you had the time... until you have the time.
* Every time I have a contraction now, I freak out a little.

Anyhow, other than last night's little "adventure," things have been going well. I've gained aaaalmost 10lbs, which is a little closer to where I "should" be. I can - and do! - eat again, which is a relief after the 5 months of hell & puking. (Speaking of food, did I mention that I didn't get released last night until after 10pm? By which time all of our local food establishments were closed? UNACCEPTABLE!!) We had an ultrasound a few weeks ago to check fetal growth, and after discovering that Peanut is in the 65th percentile, I stopped worrying about my weight gain. (Then I passed my glucose test and started eating more desserts.)

And now, I will leave you with an image from said ultrasound (what you may not be able to see in this picture is that she is holding onto her feet. In fact, we have another picture of her little toesies, because that's what she had in front of her face. I love this kid, yo):

life, peanut, bitchfest

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