30 Shards of Jaken update

May 09, 2007 00:02

Title: Smackdown
Genres: Humor/Action
Rating: K+
Word Count: 496
Author's Note: Originally posted here at iyissekiwa, this is the "New and Improved" longer version.
Summary: It's the ultimate showdown! Who will be victorious? Koga versus... Jaken? Wait, what?!


The battle between Koga and Sesshomaru had gone on long enough. Ginta and Hakkaku were happy to watch their leader safely from afar, but Jaken could no longer sit still as an unwilling bystander.

"Lord Sesshomaru, allow me to finish off this stubborn wolf for you," he said, stepping into the fray, Nintoujou in hand.

Sesshomaru watched silently as the wolves barked with laughter. Koga was particularly amused. "This little wimp? What the hell do you think you can do against me?"

"Just you watch. I'll show you!" With a swing of the Nintoujou, Jaken shot a burst of fire toward the wolf demon.

"Ha!" Koga dodged it easily.

"Take this!" Jaken shot again, but Koga jumped above the flames. "That does it," Jaken cried. He struck the Nintoujou against the ground and let out a continuous wall of flame.

"Don't you get it," Koga said, turning into a vortex as he charged in a circle. Faster and faster he went until the flames coming from Jaken's staff were instantly extinguished. "I'm too quick for you!"

Sesshomaru saw that Jaken was beginning to sweat. The wind was too strong, threatening at any moment to lift the tiny toad demon up into the air. Jaken dropped to his knees and clutched at the earth, trying to hold himself in place. At any moment Koga could make his move. He had Jaken completely trapped inside the path of the pummeling vortex.

Koga continued to laugh from within the vortex, closing in around the helpless toad demon. "See, wimp. Your fire ain't gonna get me, and that's all your puny weapon can do."

Sesshomaru frowned. He had let this little game go on too long. He'd better step in before something stupid happened--

Suddenly Jaken stuck the Nintoujou out into the whirlwind's path. Something big went flying through the air, and Jaken tumbled across the ground. Koga landed--THUD!--on his chin in the dirt several meters away. Ginta and Hakkaku began running to him.

Finally Jaken rolled to a standstill. He jumped up and spun the Nintoujou around in his hands, trying to look unfazed. "That's not all it can do. Idiot."

"Jaken." The toad demon looked up and saw Sesshomaru standing behind him. "Let's go."

They left as Koga picked himself up, shaking his head and shoving away Ginta and Hakkaku's attempts at assistance. He growled... then started to laugh. The little imp had really got him.

Sesshomaru strode away into the forest. "And Jaken?"

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?"

He contemplated informing his vassal that he knew it was Koga's own winds that had forced the Nintoujou from Jaken's hand. But with the image of that obnoxious wolf's tail soaring through the air in his head, Sesshomaru paused and said, "Not bad."

Jaken's heart swelled to bursting at the compliment and he spent the rest of the day in bliss. After all, there was no reason to tell Lord Sesshomaru that tripping Koga had been a lucky mishap.

sesshomaru, action, drabble, koga, 30 shards of jaken, fanfic, gen, jaken, humor

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