[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 97 and 98)

Apr 09, 2013 11:02

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 97 and 98)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 97

At first, Baekhyun plans to rush to the gym when it’s time for the men’s long jump, which happens to be the final event for the day. Unfortunately, Chanyeol has signed up for it and he insists that Baekhyun stay and cheer for him.

The anxious Oh Sehun keeps calling Baekhyun once every two minutes to tell him to hurry. Baekhyun feels caught in the middle, not wanting to let Chanyeol down, but not able to ignore the fact that Sehun is already at his wit’s end, demanding a rehearsal.

Baekhyun stands beside the edge of long jump’s pit, watching Chanyeol as he bounces around in his athletic wear. The shorter boy suddenly feels a wave of bitterness.

Why is he even part of this event? Sure, he has long limbs but he’s really not coordinated enough to excel in long jumps.

As expected, Chanyeol gets eliminated quickly by the other more skilled competitors and he wails on Baekhyun’s shoulder. The latter pushes him towards the helpless Kyungsoo and runs towards the gym.

“Baekhyun, where are you going?” Kyungsoo shouts after him.

“To solve someone’s love problems!” Baekhyun responds without stopping.

Because of the event, Baekhyun arrives behind schedule. Sehun is seated in the corner of the area where the sound equipments are set up, sheets of paper in hand, looking out of place in his formal wear consisting of a white shirt, black dress pants, and a tie.

When Sehun sees the older boy, he runs over frantically and gives Baekhyun the deck of paper he’s holding. “Baekhyun hyung, this is the script for my confession later. Can you check it? I’m so nervous. What do I do?”

Baekhyun is speechless at the thickness of the deck. He can’t help but laugh when he flips to the first page. “Are you planning to confess or to make an inaugural speech? Look at your first line here: ‘To my dearest Luhan hyung’. Aren’t you being too formal?”

“I was worried that my nerves would get the best of me and that I would blank out, so I drafted what I wanted to say and read it over and over so that I’ll sound more natural.” Sehun admits dejectedly. “Baekhyun hyung, here’s the plan. You sing first to attract Luhan hyung’s attention, and then I’ll start talking when the song is almost over.”

Baekhyun gives the younger boy a few reassuring pats on the shoulder. “I won’t forget. But are you sure you don’t need to talk things through? You look like you’re about to faint.”

True enough, Sehun’s face looks paler than the usual. “Baekhyun hyung, what should I do? What if I say something wrong? What if Luhan hyung doesn’t hear it? What if by then…”

“Sehun, you should calm down first.”

Baekhyun feels a headache coming on at all of Sehun’s worries. “Listen to me. When Jongin confessed… Anyway, you’ve all heard it right? You know that Luhan hyung almost cried when he heard it. So I think as long as you confess sincerely, Luhan hyung would feel moved too.”

Sehun answers hesitantly. “I understand the reasoning but I just can’t seem to relax.”

“The one you’ll be facing is Luhan hyung. He likes you so much. You just need to confess sincerely. Okay?”

Baekhyun thinks he really is a theorist now. Actually he feels that he’s been all talk and not enough application lately, but ever since he’s gotten together with Jongin, there’s nothing much he has to worry about.

Sehun nods, biting his lower lip.

“And about your script… I think it would be better if you don’t refer to it that much.” Baekhyun advises him patiently.

Sehun nods again, looking like a lost puppy.

When the music for the commencement of the closing ceremonies starts playing, Sehun becomes even more tense, pacing around the area and not being able to sit still.

Baekhyun tries to assure the younger boy by patting his palm and finds it very sweaty.

Because of Sehun’s nervousness, Baekhyun starts feeling the same way too.

It seems like nervousness can be contagious after all.

“I’m not the one confessing. What do I have to be nervous about?” Baekhyun takes a deep breath, trying to liven up the atmosphere, but Sehun merely glances at him briefly, face growing paler by the minute.

Baekhyun gives up trying to tell Sehun to chill, the two of them closing their eyes amidst the tense silence.

Naturally, as a member of the performing arts organization who is frequently on stage, Baekhyun feels his nerves calm as the designated time approaches.

When the upperclassman standing on the main stage gives them a thumb up, Baekhyun stands and raises the microphone he’s holding close to his lips, taking a deep breath. “This is Byun Baekhyun. I’m not here to make a speech about the exciting sports tournament we just had. I’m here to sing a song, by request.”

The opening chords fill the air as he takes out the paper with the lyrics. He glances at Sehun who is huddled in the corner.

‘You’re my angel, an angel protecting me, shielding me from sorrow.

You’re my angel, an angel giving me happiness, teaching me how to fly.

As I fly over the impermanence of life, that’s when I realize that love is a treasure.

Whatever happens in this world, heaven is wherever you are.

Like a child dependent on shoulders, like tears dependent on a face

You are like an angel, letting me depend on you, giving me strength.

Like a poet dependent on the moon, like a dolphin dependent on the ocean.

You are an angel. You are an angel.

You are my first and last heaven.’

Baekhyun feels he has made a lot of mistakes since he hasn’t practiced this song for a long time. His pronunciation is a little rusty too, but there’s only a few who can understand what he’s singing anyway. It doesn’t matter if they laugh at his rendition, right?

Sehun finally gets the courage to stand and he grabs the other microphone, hitting his chin with it in his haste.

The younger boy winces in pain as he holds the microphone in front of his mouth. Because of his nerves, his arms start shaking uncontrollably and he even forgets to get the script he has painstakingly prepared.

“Xiao Lu hyung, it’s me…”

With a trembling voice, Sehun starts speaking as Baekhyun reaches the end of the song. “Umm… I just wanted to take this chance to say a few words to you.”

“I’ve known you for two years now. Although it’s not that long, it’s not short either.” Sehun ignores the excited whispers that erupt in the gym upon hearing his voice, continuing with his speech. “Although I’m already a university student now, in essence, I would still be a senior high school student in second year if I hadn’t skipped grades.”

His voice gradually becomes more stable and firm.

“Xiao Lu hyung, when I first met you, you were already a freshman in university while I was still in third year of junior high. Probably for you, the four year gap between us can never be filled, but I’ve never stopped working hard, trying to keep up with you. I might be limited but I’m still trying my best to make myself more mature for you.”

The gym falls into silence as the audience holds their breath, anticipating what Sehun will say next.

“Xiao Lu hyung, it’s been two years yet I’ve never told you since the first time I’ve laid eyes on you, I’ve considered you an angel.”

“I just want you to become my personal angel.”

“It’s not a momentary fascination, nor is it a craziness of youth. Rather, it’s a sincere feeling of love. I really, really like you. Please don’t doubt it. Whatever the future might bring, if you’re willing, please be with me forever.”

Chapter 98

After the closing ceremonies, Baekhyun wants to stay and watch the festivities but Jongin barges into the room and drags him out.

Jongin finds a quiet corner and turns around, hands pressing on Baekhyun’s shoulders as he stares into the older boy’s eyes intently. “Hyung, I’ve thought about something a lot last night.”

“Hmm?” Baekhyun’s mind is still wrapped around the problem of whether or not Sehun’s confession has been successful or not so he answers distractedly. Jongin squeezes his shoulders and repeats: “Hyung, I’ve been thinking about something for a while and I want to share it with you now.”

“What is it? Why do you sound so serious?” Baekhyun finally notices the sternness in Jongin’s eyes and he starts to focus.

“After we graduate from university, let’s get married in Holland.”

Baekhyun’s face freezes at the bomb Jongin has just dropped.

Not getting any response from what had taken him so much courage to say, Jongin looks at Baekhyun with a forlorn expression. He finds the older boy staring at him blankly.

“Baekhyun hyung? Baekhyun hyung?”

Jongin waves his hand back and forth in front of Baekhyun’s eyes, finally catching the latter’s attention.

Baekhyun opens his mouth but he’s not sure what to say.

Get married?

He has really never thought about this. Marriage has always been a concept so distant from him. However, upon hearing the younger boy bring it up, it suddenly becomes a real and pressing concern.

“Jongin-ah, why did you suddenly think about marriage?” Baekhyun stutters, trying to form a coherent sentence.

Confronted with this strange topic, Baekhyun feels uneasy, not knowing what kind of expression he should have.

He has always felt that he’s still young. Isn’t marriage something only adults think about?

“Because I think only marriage can be considered as a complete commitment.” Jongin answers seriously. “If we want to be together in this lifetime, we must have something that binds us. What do you think, hyung?”

“Jongin, you’re only 18 years old.” Baekhyun can’t help but sigh as he massages his temple.

“That’s not young anymore, hyung. Technically, I’m already of legal age to marry in this country. I’ve also checked in Holland and the legal age there to get married is 12.”

“You…” Baekhyun thinks: Are you telling me that you’ve done your research already? I can’t believe that you’d be so obsessed with this topic. “You want to get married right now, don’t you?”

“If hyung is willing, we can immediately go to Holland or Spain and get married there. There are over twenty countries in the world that allow same-sex marriage.” Jongin takes Baekhyun’s words to heart, eyes brightening up at the prospect.

“No, I was just saying…” Baekhyun waves his arm weakly.

Jongin’s face falls.

Baekhyun is certain that he’s not unwilling, but why does he feel so scared when faced with this topic? He knows if he doesn’t explain himself clearly, Jongin would over-think it and probably wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.

“Jongin, what you’re proposing… I’m not unwilling to accept. It’s just too sudden. Do you understand me?” Baekhyun presses on the younger boy’s shoulders and looks into his disappointed eyes. Jongin responds with a hum, voice sounding depressed.

“Marriage… We would need to inform our parents first, don’t we? And then we’d have to prepare the wedding? After that, we’d have to buy a house, right?” Baekhyun lists the prerequisites one by one. “We can’t just decide on this rashly.”

Although his family knows about Jongin and didn’t really express any disapproval, marriage… it’s a whole different ballgame.

“Also, if we get married, we have to decide if I’m the one marrying you or you’re the one marrying me, right?” [see translator’s note below]

Jongin’s lips move slightly and Baekhyun immediately understands what the younger boy’s about to say and snaps: “What the hell do you mean by that? So it’s automatic that I’m the one marrying you? Is that what that look means?”

“I didn’t...” Jongin pleads weakly.

Baekhyun glares at him.

“But Baekhyun hyung, I really can’t help but imagine those scenarios.” Jongin avoids his eyes, reverting to his serious expression. “Imagining our future…”


“We’ll get married. We’ll buy a house. We’ll adopt a child and buy two dogs, a poodle for me and a Samoyed for you. Sehun and Luhan hyung can live next door to us, so can Yixing hyung and Yifan hyung, and even Chanyeol hyung. We can spend our days like that, no arguments, no conflicts, living the rest of our lives carelessly while we wait for the next lifetime wherein we can be together again…”

Baekhyun sees stars in Jongin’s eyes as he shares his hopes and dreams for the future, lost in his reverie. The older boy can’t help but get swept in the fantasy too. The more he thinks, the more he starts to look forward to it.

Jongin has never been an eloquent and motivating speaker but for some reason, the words he’s spewing, despite lacking in logic and reason, form a tight net, entrapping Baekhyun within.

It’s because everything the young boy says is from his heart. He has never been good with sensational and flamboyant speeches, but he has always been so sincere that he is unable to hide anything, like he’s literally holding out his heart for Baekhyun.

What Baekhyun needs to do is just avoid hurting it and accept it.

Taking a deep breath, Baekhyun smiles gently. “Fine! Okay! Marriage, house, child, dogs, neighbours… Our future, in this lifetime, and the next few lifetimes… Let’s get married when you feel like getting married.”

About the other things they need to consider… Those aren’t important. As long as this boy is beside him, watching him with a smile… That’s more than enough.

T/N: In the Chinese language, there's a separate term for marrying for girls and for boys. In this particular instance, the 'marry' Baekhyun uses is for girls, meaning who will be the 'wife', technically.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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