[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 95 and 96)

Apr 04, 2013 22:19

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 95 and 96)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 95

The anti-climactic resolution of the Baekhyun Jealousy Incident surprises Sehun who has been counting on watching a good show. He attributes this to Baekhyun’s inner strength and not Jongin’s explanation.

The fifteen year old boy from three years ago has already grown up. Not only has in terms of his height, but also in the defined edges on what used to be a childish face, exuding an irresistible charisma be it when he’s smiling or looking serious.

Baekhyun feels that he’s fortunate to have been part of more than half of Jongin’s development, accompanying the young boy as he grows up. As they age day by day, his feeling of being a ‘hyung’ has weakened while Jongin has also become stronger compared to the stubborn and awkward teenager in the past.

About the strange episode of him being jealous, Baekhyun thinks Jongin has reacted more calmly than anticipated.

Wait a minute, why do I feel like I’m raising a son?

Jongin has no idea about the peculiar activities going on in the older boy’s head. Actually, Jongin is starting to feel that living with Baekhyun is a kind of sweet torture.

Baekhyun isn’t really a person that’s sensitive to detail, not in terms of personality, but it’s a form of denseness to how the outside world reacts to him, or a lack of awareness about his personal charisma. This is why he would change clothes in front of Jongin, walk out of the bathroom in just a towel, or whimper on his bed, telling Jongin: “Jongin-ah, are you awake? What do I do? I can’t sleep.”

Can Jongin interpret this as Baekhyun trying to imply something? Can he pretend to understand the deeper meaning behind this statement?

At that time, Jongin really wants to just get into Baekhyun’s bed.

But if he does this, he’s not sure how the older boy would react. Would Baekhyun kick him off the bed? Luhan has done this before to Sehun who has not-so-innocent intentions and Jongin and his friends have been teasing the younger boy about it for ages.

It’s one of the rare times that he has seen Sehun look beaten.

In October, the school is swept in the hustle and bustle of preparing for the annual sports tournament. Each department gets into the full swing of rehearsing for their performances for the opening ceremonies. As members of the dance club, Sehun and Jongin are forced to join the show and a couple of events.

“What? Baekhyun hyung is joining Ten People Eleven Feet?”

Jealousy emanates from Jongin as he asks this, voice rising in panic.

“What’s wrong with it?” Luhan asks in confusion.

“They’re running with arms around each other. Anyone could fall on Baekhyun if they trip. Accidental kisses, like what we see in dramas, could even happen.” Sehun explains to his Luhan hyung where the problem lies.

This stuns Luhan into silence.

“It’s amazing that your Baekhyun hyung hasn’t drowned in your jealousy in all these years.” Yifan can’t help but retort.

“Then I want to join that event too!” Jongin bursts out.

“It’s past the registration deadline already.” Sehun says.

“The members for this event aren’t submitted since it’s a group event.” Yixing reminds helpfully.

However, before Jongin can find the person in charge of registration, Baekhyun runs over to them in a plain white tee and black jeans, looking extraordinarily fresh. Jongin smiles out of reflex, and then reaches out to catch Baekhyun who leaps into the dancer’s arms the moment he sees him.

Everyone covers their eyes and turns away.

Baekhyun is amazed that Jongin’s arms are able to carry him effortlessly now. He remembers the time when he hid in a box as a birthday gift for the younger boy. Back then, Jongin had to exert some effort to lift him up, but this time it’s different.

Realizing this, although Baekhyun feels the slight flutter of worry that ‘this kid is growing up so fast’, he is overwhelmed with pride even more so, thus he refuses to be let down.

None too happy to oblige, Jongin continues to carry the older boy whose hands are wrapped around his neck.

They stare happily into each others’ eyes, completely oblivious to the looks they’re getting. After a while, Baekhyun reluctantly places his feet back on the ground and says to Jongin regrettably: “I’ve decided not to join any events for sports tournament.”

Something lights up in Jongin’s eyes, and then he tries to mask his happiness with a look of pretend disappointment.

“Why?” Sehun asks for Jongin.

“When we were practicing earlier, a lot of people wanted to squeeze next to Baekhyun and that started a riot.” Chanyeol, who has joined the gang earlier, answers. “Baekhyun attracts trouble. Luhan hyung, you can relate right?”

Luhan nods.

Jealousy starts bubbling up inside Jongin and also in Sehun, their possessiveness becoming more and more unbearable for the others to watch.

Baekhyun walks over to Luhan’s side and tugs his sleeve, asking: “Oh, Luhan hyung. I’ve been meaning to ask you. Are you and Sehun officially together?”

Luhan blinks and then shrugs. “No.”

Baekhyun doesn’t look surprised. “With everything Sehun has done already, you two still aren’t together?”

“He hasn’t said anything. Do you expect me to jump into his arms and shout ‘Let’s be together’?” Luhan replies lazily. “I’ve said that I should give him time to mature. Do you think he has already matured?”

“I think he has matured a lot.” Baekhyun glances at the handsome boy standing next to Jongin and expresses his honest assessment.

“Anyway, if he doesn’t say anything, I’ll just pretend not to know. We can be hyung-dongsaeng just fine.” Luhan says this with a trace of resentment and Baekhyun catches this. He laughs and says: “Luhan hyung, you’re waiting for him, aren’t you? And because Sehun isn’t saying anything, you’re annoyed.”

Luhan huffs in response.

“Maybe he’s planning something already.” Baekhyun nudges him.

“Him?” Luhan huffs again, eyes filled with hope despite what he has just said.

Chapter 96

Baekhyun detects that Jongin’s mysterious behaviour on the first day of the sports tournament. The dancer isn’t part of any events for that day but he keeps disappearing off to somewhere. Despite that, he calls Baekhyun every hour to check where he is, worried that he would run into crowded places where he could get taken advantage of.

“What the hell are you doing?” Baekhyun starts feeling annoyed at Jongin’s fourth call.

Jongin’s voice from the end of the line is unclear due to the noise in the background. “Hyung, I’m at the gym. Closing ceremonies are tomorrow right? The person in charge asked Sehun and me to help.”

“Aren’t the closing ceremonies prepared already? Why do they need your help?” Baekhyun’s gut tells him that Jongin is lying, but what’s strange is the older boy isn’t feeling any form of panic about being lied to.

“Hmm… There’s just some other stuff…” Jongin answers vaguely.

“You have events tomorrow. Don’t forget.” Baekhyun doesn’t force him to tell the truth and reminds him helpfully. Jongin responds with a hum and blurts out, sounding a little worried: “Baekhyun hyung, you’re not angry, right?”

“About what you’re mysteriously busy about? Do you want me to be angry?” Baekhyun laughs. “I’m not angry. I’ll find out what you’re doing tomorrow anyway.”

Jongin replies with a hum again, somewhat guiltily.

Baekhyun can’t help but laugh at Jongin who is obviously relieved he’s not angry but somehow hoping he’s angry. The moment he hangs up the phone, Luhan calls.

“Baekhyun, have you seen Sehun?” Luhan gets straight to the point.

Baekhyun freezes for a moment and replies: “I don’t think so. What’s going on, Luhan hyung?”

“I don’t know. He’s supposed to join the hundred meter dash. It’s about to start but I can’t find him anywhere.” Luhan says, puzzled. “Have you asked Jongin? Does Jongin know where he is?”

Baekhyun ponders this and decides to answer vaguely, covering for whatever the two punks are planning. “No, I don’t think he knows.”

Luhan sighs. “Fine. Okay, I won’t mind him then. I’ll just go watch Yifan race. He’s been boasting that he runs fast.” The older boy hangs up the phone, sounding unhappy.

Baekhyun puts the phone back in his pocket, somehow getting an idea of what Sehun wants to do.

That night at their room, Jongin looks like he’s in deep thought about something.

Baekhyun doesn’t feel like minding him so he gets ready to take a shower. When he comes out of the bathroom, Jongin is still in the same position, staring off into space.

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun sits down next to him. Jongin gets the towel from his hand and stars drying Baekhyun’s hair.

Baekhyun closes his eyes and asks: “What’s going on? Is it about Sehun?”

“Hmm…” Jongin plans to keep Baekhyun in the dark at first but decides to just come clean. “Sehun wants to confess to Luhan hyung at the closing ceremonies tomorrow. He doesn’t want me to tell anyone.”

“And yet you still told me.” Baekhyun laughs and pulls on Jongin’s arm. “Tell me then. What are you bothered about?”

“Umm… Sehun wants to sing a song.” Jongin replies belatedly.

“Sehun? Sing?” Baekhyun wants to burst out laughing. Sehun had only one line to sing in their entry for the national competition and he kept going off-pitch. Baekhyun holds in his laughter and clears his throat. “What does he want to sing?”

“He wants to sing a Chinese song so that Luhan hyung would find it more intimate.” Jongin starts to get uneasy. “But he thinks if he asks Yifan hyung or Yixing hyung to help, Luhan hyung would find out in no time so he’s panicking. Baekhyun hyung, do you know any Chinese songs?”

Baekhyun nods. “Luhan hyung taught me one back in first year of senior high. It’s called ‘Angel’. I think a Chinese band sang it. Does Sehun want to learn it? But I think it’s a little too late. He might not even be able to pronounce the words.”

“What do we do then?” Jongin looks like he’s more panicked than Sehun.

“How about I sing for Sehun and Sehun can just talk?” Seeing Jongin so worried, Baekhyun tries to come up with a good plan.

Jongin’s eyes brighten but he hesitates. “Isn’t that too insincere?”

“What’s insincere about it? You didn’t sing when you confessed to me, did you?” Baekhyun pinches him. “As long as your heart is sincere, nothing else matters.”

“Sehun and I can’t sing.” Jongin lowers his head in shame. “I’d rather dance for a lifetime.”

Baekhyun pats his shoulder. “Luhan hyung won’t mind, as long as Sehun is sincere in what he feels. Where’s Sehun by the way?”

“He’s still at the gym talking to the person in charge of the closing ceremonies tomorrow.” Jongin responds. “He’ll be back soon.”

“Let him know then that I’ll help him sing. He only needs to think about how to confess emotionally. I still remember the things you said when you confessed.” Baekhyun reminisces. “I’m not sure if you know but Chanyeol and Kyungsoo recorded it.”

“Ha?” This shocks Jongin. “They recorded it? How? How come I didn’t know about this?”

“Yes. I have a copy. I think everyone has a copy.” Baekhyun explains hastily, not expecting that Jongin would be totally in the dark about this. He suddenly feels a little guilty and wants to share the blame with everyone.

“Never mind.” Jongin sighs at Baekhyun’s expression and then smiles. “Hyung, good luck then!”



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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