My most vivid memories all involve cheeseburgers.

Jun 20, 2009 12:47

1. THIS IS ART, BITCHES. However, dragons having sex with cars? Not so much. My favorite, BTW, is number three. (h/t amonitrate)

2. Day fifty billion. ask_captainjack still doesn't know my name. I SHOULD WRITE HIM A LETTER.

3. My sister in law makes sure to keep me apprised of R Pat's health AT EVERY TURN:

Kwanalicious: Robert Pattinson almost hit by car whilst running from fangirls.
Amand-r: OMG LOLOR5. I shouldn't laugh! BUT! HAAHAHAHA. That is horrible. Haahaha.
Kwanalicious: hahahaha --I just have this mental image of this HUGE guy bending over Robert Pattinson and then looking up and shaking his fist at the fans and screaming YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID?!!?!?! YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Amand-r: Haahahha.
Kwanalicious: and then he slings r.patt's arm over his neck and helps him stagger away.
Amand-r: Oh god. Too funny. Pooor Rpat.
Kwanalicious: hahaha r-pat. rhymes with ceiling cat. RPAT IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE

4. It was a fly, peoples. Call me then he kills an ox with his bear hands. Get it? BEAR HANDS.

Kwanalicious: so I watched the Obama fly swatting video. It's actually pretty impressive. It's one of those fat houseflies, not a gnat.
Amand-r: I wasn't impressed. HE NEEDS TO DO THAT SHIT WITH FUCKING CHOPSTICKS. Then I'll be all, "OH SNAP! TAKE THAT PETA WITH YOUR FUCKING SEA KITTENS! THEY'RE FISH." Next, president Obama will make us paint the fence and wax the cars. That's actually going to be our foreign policy from now on.

5. I opened my inbox this morning, and hells yeah! 21 UNREAD EMAILS! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH.

6. I am going to Hub 3. I say this because I totes don't know who else is going, and then I learned that I'd be able to hump accost slobber on both laurab1 and smirnoffmule, I think I peed myself. Okay, no I didn't lose control of bodily functions, but I am tres excited. Anybody else? Bueller? Bueller?

7. For reasons beyond my control, when I woke up this morning, my voice sounded distinctly like Stormer from the Jem cartoons (The blue haired one. go to about :30) Now I need to find a sexy red-head and lay down an album. I'm Okay!

8. OMG darthhellokitty-- there will be no pics because I fell asleep lying on the floor of the shower and then dragged myself into the bedroom after the water got cold. There I passed out, alien towel thing on my head, and now my hair is all wonked.

Look, I took a picture of myself, but it was REALLY BAD. So here is a picture of my kid, who is digging the whole "take off your clothes" vibe these days:

Haahahaha. sthayashi, we did indeed fail. I count only 17 empties total, and 2 of those are Emminator's. We….suck. Haahaha. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH.

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